I havent posted on the site in a while because I quite frankly hate this new layout....Its too bright and pink and really turns me off. For the most part I have been chillin. Waiting to here back to see if I am accepted into grad school, I got reunited with a girl I knew way back in high school, went on a date with a sex therapist(wow) and other than that just chillin really. Dont know what else to post on here at the moment but send me a message if ya got any questions. Oh yea, I am tired of baltimore and want to move back to pg county...
I feel you with the layout. I H-A-T-E pink.
Also, I have still have my NES too! No games, but it's still functional. I had a SNES and I would still have it if I didn't let my friend borrow it. We broke up and I never saw either one again. I have two original gameboys and a gamecube and a DS collecting dust. Lately, I've been attempting to play games on my crappy Dell laptop.