had a convo with my ex, was I too mean?
righteousgirl24: hi
thafckisup: hello
righteousgirl24: i have an important question for you
thafckisup: go right ahead
righteousgirl24: if you were married and although your bringing in the income, would you have any reason to even continue to search for other woman on dating sites and look at porn?
thafckisup: hes searching for women on dating sites?
thafckisup: and looking at porn?
righteousgirl24: i mean u had to know that question concerned me and my thing going on over here...lol
righteousgirl24: but yes
thafckisup: well
thafckisup: 1
thafckisup: i wouldnt look at porn unless I was watching it with you
thafckisup: always good to find new things to try
thafckisup: and 2, even if u were just my g/f, I wouldnt go on a dating site period
righteousgirl24: well i agree
righteousgirl24: so you bringing in the income should not be an excuse, right?
thafckisup: ummm there is no excuse for the dating site thing period, the porn thing, hey, all guys have prn, get over it
righteousgirl24: lol
righteousgirl24: i know that
righteousgirl24: but this was not in my presence
thafckisup: he shouldnt be on dating sites
thafckisup: are u sure he was looking for other women
righteousgirl24: want me to show u an example...lol
thafckisup: sure
righteousgirl24: http://www.plentyoffish.com/member1235459.htm
righteousgirl24: there u go
thafckisup: umm what is this showing me
thafckisup: besides a woman with 2 much makeup
righteousgirl24: lmao
righteousgirl24: well that was a the site he went to today while i was out at an interview
thafckisup: how do u know
righteousgirl24: i knew ud ask, to be honest i looked in the history because he's famous for doing that kinda madness
righteousgirl24: i wanted to see if that had came to an end
righteousgirl24: but now that i think of it, he never actually said he wouldnt look at it without me
righteousgirl24: i dont know why he does this
thafckisup: are u talking about the porn?
thafckisup: or the other women
righteousgirl24: both
thafckisup: on the dating site
thafckisup: why are u looking at other women for him on a dating site with him
righteousgirl24: no
righteousgirl24: i meant the porn silly
righteousgirl24: but as far as the dating sites
righteousgirl24: i dont know why
righteousgirl24: makes me think somethings wrong with me
righteousgirl24: although he wont say
righteousgirl24: i was about to go into this rage mode but he's sleep and although this is important to me im patient enough to wait til he awakes
thafckisup: i know why
thafckisup: because your husband is an asshole point blank
thafckisup: are u still pregnant
righteousgirl24: yea
righteousgirl24: why u say that though
thafckisup: say what
righteousgirl24: the asshole part
thafckisup: because he is
thafckisup: and he doesnt respect ur relationship if he is doing that
righteousgirl24: more so marriage
righteousgirl24: thats even worse
thafckisup: wut ya mean
righteousgirl24: my thing is he said in the beginning that before he'd cheat on me he's just leave me
righteousgirl24: he'd just leave
righteousgirl24: i meant
thafckisup: what?!?!
righteousgirl24: thats what he said
thafckisup: you have got to be kidding
righteousgirl24: nope
righteousgirl24: but he said he wouldnt because of one of the ten commandments about marriage
thafckisup: give me like 2 mins
righteousgirl24: k
thafckisup: you know
thafckisup: i told you about rushing into this...
righteousgirl24: i must be one those stupid girls that think that certain things a man does would change after marriage
righteousgirl24: i changed alot
righteousgirl24: for the good
thafckisup: I wish you would have when we were still together
thafckisup: your about to bring another life into this world
righteousgirl24: i was in denial then
righteousgirl24: and being completely selfish
thafckisup: aand look where its gotten you
thafckisup: your about to bring another life into this worls, with possibly a man who wont be with you for the long run
thafckisup: i am not trying to chastize you
righteousgirl24: before he went sleep and before i discovered the sites....we were just talking and he's not going to leave me
thafckisup: i dont believe that
thafckisup: hes gonns do somthing
righteousgirl24: he says he loves me and takes care of the bills and shay
righteousgirl24: i get confused sometimes though
righteousgirl24: with having that said and done
righteousgirl24: yet you do things like the whole site thing
thafckisup: ur making mom seem more right about you by the min
thafckisup: if he respected u or the marraige he wouldnt be doing it point blank
righteousgirl24: how can one be a family man but want extras on the side
righteousgirl24: or desire
righteousgirl24: dreamn
righteousgirl24: fantasize or whatever
thafckisup: u cant
righteousgirl24: one time he also said that even if he were to cheat i wouldnt know it
righteousgirl24: because hes too good at hiding it
righteousgirl24: yet he said he wouldnt
righteousgirl24: just cant find an trustworthy handsome man these days
thafckisup: and I wasnt
thafckisup: ha
righteousgirl24: geese
righteousgirl24: excluding u but u know we had our moments of disagreement
thafckisup: but still
thafckisup: can I be perfectly blunt?
righteousgirl24: ummm
righteousgirl24: no
righteousgirl24: sike nah
righteousgirl24: but anywho,
thafckisup: if you believe him, your a fucking idiot
righteousgirl24: a lil harsh but i get ur point
righteousgirl24: i dont know what to believe
righteousgirl24: he keeps doing the same thing so
righteousgirl24: i guess ur right
thafckisup: if I were u I would get an abortion, not trying to be mean but yea
righteousgirl24: i thought about that
righteousgirl24: told him that if he should leave me
thafckisup: ur not working, and then ur gonna bring another life into this world, why
righteousgirl24: but then he said he was just playing
thafckisup: just continuing the cycle of most black females
righteousgirl24: yea its really said
righteousgirl24: some things are beyond ur control but me however doing something about it now isn't
righteousgirl24: sad*
righteousgirl24: well ima be out so ttyl or whenever cause i hardly ever be on here like i use to anymore i mean i do have duties as a wife and mother and shit a damn good one at that
thafckisup: too bad I we cant say the same for your usband
thafckisup: husband*
thafckisup: god I am glad I am not with you
righteousgirl24: wow
righteousgirl24: that didnt sound good
righteousgirl24: what exactly did u mean by that
thafckisup: one, I couldnt have a wife that didnt worked
thafckisup: nuff said
righteousgirl24: i figure that
righteousgirl24: but ok
thafckisup: hope things work out
thafckisup: lata
righteousgirl24: hi
thafckisup: hello
righteousgirl24: i have an important question for you
thafckisup: go right ahead
righteousgirl24: if you were married and although your bringing in the income, would you have any reason to even continue to search for other woman on dating sites and look at porn?
thafckisup: hes searching for women on dating sites?
thafckisup: and looking at porn?
righteousgirl24: i mean u had to know that question concerned me and my thing going on over here...lol
righteousgirl24: but yes
thafckisup: well
thafckisup: 1
thafckisup: i wouldnt look at porn unless I was watching it with you
thafckisup: always good to find new things to try
thafckisup: and 2, even if u were just my g/f, I wouldnt go on a dating site period
righteousgirl24: well i agree
righteousgirl24: so you bringing in the income should not be an excuse, right?
thafckisup: ummm there is no excuse for the dating site thing period, the porn thing, hey, all guys have prn, get over it
righteousgirl24: lol
righteousgirl24: i know that
righteousgirl24: but this was not in my presence
thafckisup: he shouldnt be on dating sites
thafckisup: are u sure he was looking for other women
righteousgirl24: want me to show u an example...lol
thafckisup: sure
righteousgirl24: http://www.plentyoffish.com/member1235459.htm
righteousgirl24: there u go
thafckisup: umm what is this showing me
thafckisup: besides a woman with 2 much makeup
righteousgirl24: lmao
righteousgirl24: well that was a the site he went to today while i was out at an interview
thafckisup: how do u know
righteousgirl24: i knew ud ask, to be honest i looked in the history because he's famous for doing that kinda madness
righteousgirl24: i wanted to see if that had came to an end
righteousgirl24: but now that i think of it, he never actually said he wouldnt look at it without me
righteousgirl24: i dont know why he does this
thafckisup: are u talking about the porn?
thafckisup: or the other women
righteousgirl24: both
thafckisup: on the dating site
thafckisup: why are u looking at other women for him on a dating site with him
righteousgirl24: no
righteousgirl24: i meant the porn silly
righteousgirl24: but as far as the dating sites
righteousgirl24: i dont know why
righteousgirl24: makes me think somethings wrong with me
righteousgirl24: although he wont say
righteousgirl24: i was about to go into this rage mode but he's sleep and although this is important to me im patient enough to wait til he awakes
thafckisup: i know why
thafckisup: because your husband is an asshole point blank
thafckisup: are u still pregnant
righteousgirl24: yea
righteousgirl24: why u say that though
thafckisup: say what
righteousgirl24: the asshole part
thafckisup: because he is
thafckisup: and he doesnt respect ur relationship if he is doing that
righteousgirl24: more so marriage
righteousgirl24: thats even worse
thafckisup: wut ya mean
righteousgirl24: my thing is he said in the beginning that before he'd cheat on me he's just leave me
righteousgirl24: he'd just leave
righteousgirl24: i meant
thafckisup: what?!?!
righteousgirl24: thats what he said
thafckisup: you have got to be kidding
righteousgirl24: nope
righteousgirl24: but he said he wouldnt because of one of the ten commandments about marriage
thafckisup: give me like 2 mins
righteousgirl24: k
thafckisup: you know
thafckisup: i told you about rushing into this...
righteousgirl24: i must be one those stupid girls that think that certain things a man does would change after marriage
righteousgirl24: i changed alot
righteousgirl24: for the good
thafckisup: I wish you would have when we were still together
thafckisup: your about to bring another life into this world
righteousgirl24: i was in denial then
righteousgirl24: and being completely selfish
thafckisup: aand look where its gotten you
thafckisup: your about to bring another life into this worls, with possibly a man who wont be with you for the long run
thafckisup: i am not trying to chastize you
righteousgirl24: before he went sleep and before i discovered the sites....we were just talking and he's not going to leave me
thafckisup: i dont believe that
thafckisup: hes gonns do somthing
righteousgirl24: he says he loves me and takes care of the bills and shay
righteousgirl24: i get confused sometimes though
righteousgirl24: with having that said and done
righteousgirl24: yet you do things like the whole site thing
thafckisup: ur making mom seem more right about you by the min
thafckisup: if he respected u or the marraige he wouldnt be doing it point blank
righteousgirl24: how can one be a family man but want extras on the side
righteousgirl24: or desire
righteousgirl24: dreamn
righteousgirl24: fantasize or whatever
thafckisup: u cant
righteousgirl24: one time he also said that even if he were to cheat i wouldnt know it
righteousgirl24: because hes too good at hiding it
righteousgirl24: yet he said he wouldnt
righteousgirl24: just cant find an trustworthy handsome man these days
thafckisup: and I wasnt
thafckisup: ha
righteousgirl24: geese
righteousgirl24: excluding u but u know we had our moments of disagreement
thafckisup: but still
thafckisup: can I be perfectly blunt?
righteousgirl24: ummm
righteousgirl24: no
righteousgirl24: sike nah
righteousgirl24: but anywho,
thafckisup: if you believe him, your a fucking idiot
righteousgirl24: a lil harsh but i get ur point
righteousgirl24: i dont know what to believe
righteousgirl24: he keeps doing the same thing so
righteousgirl24: i guess ur right
thafckisup: if I were u I would get an abortion, not trying to be mean but yea
righteousgirl24: i thought about that
righteousgirl24: told him that if he should leave me
thafckisup: ur not working, and then ur gonna bring another life into this world, why
righteousgirl24: but then he said he was just playing
thafckisup: just continuing the cycle of most black females
righteousgirl24: yea its really said
righteousgirl24: some things are beyond ur control but me however doing something about it now isn't
righteousgirl24: sad*
righteousgirl24: well ima be out so ttyl or whenever cause i hardly ever be on here like i use to anymore i mean i do have duties as a wife and mother and shit a damn good one at that
thafckisup: too bad I we cant say the same for your usband
thafckisup: husband*
thafckisup: god I am glad I am not with you
righteousgirl24: wow
righteousgirl24: that didnt sound good
righteousgirl24: what exactly did u mean by that
thafckisup: one, I couldnt have a wife that didnt worked
thafckisup: nuff said
righteousgirl24: i figure that
righteousgirl24: but ok
thafckisup: hope things work out
thafckisup: lata