playing music sucks, it's too damn stressful. i had to cancel one of my shows because i got a cold and couldn't hit the high notes last night. then everyone got mad and said just sing them low. i was like yeah fucking right. i hate half-assing it and i hate being sick. not even my lipton tea with lemon helped me this time oh...
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my gawd have you sometimes just ever wanted to jump off a bridge.

me niether really, but today i'm really somber and thoughtful at the same time. my friends hate me then love me when i compliment there songs. there like "thanks you depressing fucker. i'm real glad you liked it now go away." and i'm like "cool man whatever." and they say"gawd you're a...
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wait until my..fifth set. you will see...
"on the run from johnny law, ain't no trip to cleveland."
"that's it he's out, and you're out too, and i don't think i'm in eirher, no gang."
"what the f**k is this?" "it's a leaf."
"are you in the army?" "no man, i just have short hair."

i love bottle rocket it's too funny! oh and if you like bottle rocket and stuff like...
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it totally does.

bottle rocket is the fucking BEST!
"on the run from johnny law, ain't no trip to cleveland."
"that's it he's out, and you're out too, and i don't think i'm in eirher, no gang."
"what the f**k is this?" "it's a leaf."
"are you in the army?" "no man, i just have short hair."

i love bottle rocket it's too funny! oh and if you like bottle rocket and stuff like...
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what were you talking about.
i love bananas! one of his funniest!
"on the run from johnny law, ain't no trip to cleveland."

"that's it he's out, and you're out to, and i don't think i'm in either, no gang."

"what the f**k is this?" "it's a leaf"

i love bottle rocket it's to funny. oh and if you like bottle rocket find the movie safe men you wont be disappointed it's, as well, too funny.
I love that Paraguayan Hotel maid

Hey..which band is that in your profile pic?
Looks familiar...
Havent really heard them....
Are they the Flying Saucer Attack kind?
my bandmates and i hate playing instruments and singing so we'll just play music without having any music. it will be like my idea for christian porn, a guy and a girl haveing sex with there clothes on, or maybe not even touching at all just a guy and a girl on a couch looking at one another, maybe not even that i don't know...
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you are a strange boy, but you know what..that's all ok.
i think it is funny, whilst driving, when the car ahead of you is moving slowly, and you realize you can't see a head you just see a little bit of fuzz. you immediatly no it's an old person because of the fuzzy headless head. fuzz heads, gotta love 'em, fuzz heads, they're amazing.
fuzz heads drive fucking slow! get the fuck out of road you fuckers! er..they're cute too.
i think getting older is a waste of time. i think i will stay 22 forever. but if i had it my way i'd be 1 or 2 years old because the thought of wearing diapers is a good thought
dont tease me with your beautiful talk!
which boy are you??????????????