Not to sound like a complete perve or anything, but I always find myself feeling a bit disappointed whenever a set doesn't include at least one nice crotch shot. Hahahaha…it's actually gonna sound a bit mean, but I usually require a crotch shot before I'll even comment on a set or bookmark a girl.
I'm reasonably certain that there have been (or still are) "girls" on SG who are actually trannies, and I absolutely cannot stand it whenever a set features no crotch shot. (I sometimes need proof, as some girls look kinda borderline trannie.) Instead, they choose to strategically place various objects that obscure it. Or they don't part their legs a bit. Terrible.
In either case, here's a nice crotch shot:
Quite tasteful, too, mind you. Thank you, Glitch. You've made me very, very happy.
I'd also like to thank Rayde for her wonderful shots, although they're somewhat distant. In either case, I must say that I sometimes love the shots leading up to the crotch shots even more than the crotch shots themselves. This one, for instance:
Very nice.
So, tell me, am I too picky about new sets? And does anyone else here set any sort of criteria whenever viewing a new set? I'm curious as to what makes a set complete in other peoples' eyes. I'm quite a sucker for crotch shots and good lighting, myself.
I'm reasonably certain that there have been (or still are) "girls" on SG who are actually trannies, and I absolutely cannot stand it whenever a set features no crotch shot. (I sometimes need proof, as some girls look kinda borderline trannie.) Instead, they choose to strategically place various objects that obscure it. Or they don't part their legs a bit. Terrible.
In either case, here's a nice crotch shot:

Quite tasteful, too, mind you. Thank you, Glitch. You've made me very, very happy.

I'd also like to thank Rayde for her wonderful shots, although they're somewhat distant. In either case, I must say that I sometimes love the shots leading up to the crotch shots even more than the crotch shots themselves. This one, for instance:

Very nice.

So, tell me, am I too picky about new sets? And does anyone else here set any sort of criteria whenever viewing a new set? I'm curious as to what makes a set complete in other peoples' eyes. I'm quite a sucker for crotch shots and good lighting, myself.
i hear your point, but in my opinion we just aren't paid enough to show the parts. don't get me wrong, i respect it, but it's one of the awesome parts of being an SG--we control how much we show! however, in an upcoming set you should have reasonable proof that i am NOT actually a man