Imprint is part of the masters of horror series (I think it got made into a special episode because it was too much for television) and my main reason for watching this movie is it's directed by the incredible Takashi Miike, It's about an American writer who returns to Japan to find a prostitute he fell in love with and he promised her he'd return to marry her and take her back to the states with him, while searching a island brothel he meets a strange girl who says she knew the girl he's looking for (Komomo), after getting stuck on the island over night he stays with the girl to find out what happened to Komomo and is told she is dead after giving up waiting for her love she killed herself but the girl likes playing games and also gives alternative stories in which she reveals a little more of the truth. This movie has some genuine creepy and eerie moments (always watch in the background or you'll miss them) it's also brutally intense, anyone who's seen a Takashi Miike movie will be aware of his torture scenes and this one doesn't disappoint and leaves you on the edge of your seat, anyone who loves babies will probably find some scenes quite shocking too but it's a really good ghost story that's imaginative and has some edge in that special Takashi Miike way, if you can find it I'd definitely recommend this one and definitely watch it in a very dark room.
Wishing you all a fun spooky season and happy nightmares
K 🎃🎃🎃