I fell in love with Rave music in the early nineties and would collect CD and tape packs, it would be a box with the raves artwork and usually 6 discs or tapes of the individual DJ's sets, so when I started making my own bedroom DJ sets I would take a DVD box remove the outer cover a create a silly little pencil artwork
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Night 31 - The Exocist (1973)

Happy Halloween everybody

Chris Macneil is an actress working in a movie and during production her Daughter Regan begins to act strangely at first she seems unwell but soon her personality becomes more violent and aggressive, her condition continues to get worse and her mother suspects she is possessed when she shows abnormal strength, starts masturbating with a crucifix...
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Night 30 - A nightmare on elm street 3 (1987)
Freddy is back and terrorising a new group of teens who are so traumatised they are now sectioned in a psychiatric ward at the hospital, Nancy the survivor from the original nightmare is now a consultant in the hospital and convinces doctor Gordon that they are telling the truth and are being killed off one...
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Night 29 - Childsplay 2 (1990)
Childsplay is about a serial killer who before dying transferred his soul into a good guys doll to avoid capture in the first movie, it's now 2 years later and chucky has been resurrected and is desperate to find Andy the young boy he needs to swap souls with before it's too late and he's trapped forever inside the...
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Night 28 - The Crow (1994)
On Devil's night in a apartment block Shelly Webster is killed and her boyfriend Eric Draven is thrown through the window to his death, exactly a year later Eric is resurrected and guided by a crow and as his memory returns he must find the gang that murdered him and Shelly and the crime lord responsable so he can...
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@fredhincanada šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘, really enjoyed rewatching it
Night 27 - Braindead (Dead Alive) (1992)
Mommas boy Lionel accidently gets a date with Pequita the girl who works at the local store and he takes her to the zoo, Mom isn't pleased and does all she can to spoil the day but while spying on Lionel and Pequita she is bitten by a Samatra rat monkey causing her to die and resurrect as...
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Night 26 - Ichi the killer (2001)
This one comes from Japanese director Takashi Miike and is based on the anime of the same name, it's the ultimate Sadist against the ultimate masochist, Ichi is a very confused young man he's incredibly shy and repressed especially around girls and is really confused by his emotions but secretly he has been brain washed by Jijii into...
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Night 25 - Street trash (1987)
Fred and his younger brother Kevin are homeless and living in an old junkyard, they are surrounded by thieves, muggers, over zealous cops, and a psychotic Vietnam vet who has a knife made from human bone and is suffering from violent ptsd flashbacks and now there is a new drink going around called viper which causes anyone who drinks...
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Night 24 - Smile (2022)
Rose is a psychiatrist who gets a call to see a very traumatised girl called Laura, who believes something demonic is trying to kill her and explains only she can see it and it looks like real people her friends or her neighbours or even her dead grandpa and as she's explaining she can recognise it by it's sinister smile...
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