Had an emotionaly draining thanksgiving. Learned new and horrible things about my family taht i don't know if i can cope with. On the other side of life, hopefully i will hear from the ppl that own the house i want to move into soon with their answer. I do hope i get such a nice little non-ghetto place to live.
Do you know what his job is? To make sure that your weekend is going smoothly!

Which book were you talking about? Sorry, haven't been on in a week or so.

BTW--Monster House rocks ass
Bwahahaha, Finaly found a house to rent. Now i can get out of this rathole apt and into a nice residential neighborhood, and i get to leave my currant roomates girlfriend way the hell behind me wink
Grrr, this may be tmi for some of yall but damn, I miss having a female companion. I'm starting to get real antsy and i dont particularly like the feeling. well thats not completely true, i just dont like having no one to share the feeling with.
well its Thurs. and I am done with college and work for quite a while, college is on Fall Break, work gone too. Now i have nothing to do till next thurs when its time to go state hopping for Thanksgiving.

Yay more boredom for me frown

Unless someone wants to talk or chat or anything wink
You should hop on down to this state kiss
Evil double posting frown

[Edited on Nov 20, 2004 2:55AM]
Its tuesday, am I am at work bored once again, so I am just wondering whats going on out there if everyone elese.

For me the last couple of weeks have felt odd, I've had another birthday and well I don't know. I can feel something in the air, I can almost taste it.

I find it quite odd overall. Anyway I just got my...
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Boy do i feel like an idiot after tonight. I tried to meet an SG tonight and get some information on a project that me and my dad are thinking about doing at the same time and completely blew it. I couldnt think of a thing to say, sigh blackeyed
Anyone else in SuicideGirls play MMORPG"S like everquest or City Of Heroes
nothing much going on, added some new pics though of a b-day party i was at last weekend.
Blah, Man am I both tired and bored, and I don't know which is worse. I haven't updated in a while so I might as well go for it.
Just in case anyone cares I just bought a new digital camera that I tried out this weekend at a friends birthday and I should have those pics up soon. Turkey day is coming and I...
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Sat. morning @ 5:30am haha kiss kiss
Happy Holloween everyone
what are you doing tonight?

Blah, Man am I both tired and bored, and I don't know which is worse. I haven't updated in a while so I might as well go for it.
Just in case anyone cares I just bought a new digital camera that I tried out this weekend at a friends birthday and I should have those pics up soon. Turkey day is coming and I for one will be pleased to have the week off fall break my college has allowed in the last couple of years.
Tried kickboxing, and i am just now quite fit enough for it, so for now i guess I will stick to just weights till I am able to move on to proper marital arts study.

Don't know how many ppl will see this since its international Halo 2 day and all. I know a few friends I won't see for around a week or so, so good hunting all of you with a Xbox.