It is hard being a Christian. I tried to tell so many people about my faith. They all rejected what I was telling them. I spent $ 6000.00 last Christmas on gifts for my co-workers at Ohio Valley General Hospital. I got fired after giving only three gifts to the people in Human resources. The head Human Resources woman yelled and said this is gross misconduct. I felt very insulted and hurt. Anyway, I never did get to give the rest of the gifts to the people. I gave the rest to the church that I used to go to. That was a painful lesson. It hurt most of all because I really liked those people and felt that I truly failed them. On a smaller scale because I am still paying off that credit card. I have $ 1500.00 to go. The question is," Was it me who was rejected or Jesus Christ who was rejected". I feel that it was me who was rejected because I am so far from perfect and not God who is perfect. Jesus was rejected over 2000 years ago and got crucified for His belief. What I am trying to say is make sure that you are rejecting me and not the One who gave His life for you. God loves you and made a way to get to Heaven, but you must seek Him to find it. You won't get there accidentally. If you have questions I will do my best to answer them but if you only have insults go somewhere else.
Thank you, and bless you.