Final thought.......
The fighting in Northern Ireland between the Protestants and the Catholics. Is that of the Holy Spirit or is that the desire of the human heart?
The suicide bombers in the Middle East. Are they of God or following their own miserable hearts?
The Crusades in the middle ages. Was that Gods way of fighting or the ways of man?
Is God about...
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The fighting in Northern Ireland between the Protestants and the Catholics. Is that of the Holy Spirit or is that the desire of the human heart?
The suicide bombers in the Middle East. Are they of God or following their own miserable hearts?
The Crusades in the middle ages. Was that Gods way of fighting or the ways of man?
Is God about...
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I never said I hate God. Please don't put words into my mouth.
hi there!
u are one god believer and one earth sinner??? Im sorry I dont believe either....but I respect your choice anyway!

My time here is short. I just wanted to say good bye. Lillith I never got your "interesting" letter that you promised. I forgive you. I hope to see you in the future. May God bless you abundantly. Your heart needs to change though for you to get the blessings and joy. I am praying for you.
Jessyca. I hope the same for you also....
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Jessyca. I hope the same for you also....
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Tuesday was an amazing day! I felt that God was with me that day. I meant to read the gospel of Matthew but as I was turning to it my hand was on the book of Psalms. I felt that God was speaking to me when my eyes caught Psalm 128. I felt that was and is God's promise to me if I do what...
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Why are you here?
I don't get it? I got your moms e-mail! But She told me to read JOHN. I read alot of all four gosples. It dosen't really match up all that well. I sent her another e-mail with a ton of questions. Tday Im meeting with my friends to talk about the Musulim religon too. They think I should got yo there church. So many questions!
Who is like unto the Lord our God, Who dwelleth on high, Who dwelleth on high, Who is like unto the Lord our God Who dwelleth on high, Who dwelleth on high.
You dwell in glory/The heavens are your home/You began the story/And made your beauty known/But You created nothing/That gives me more pleasure than You/And you won't give me something/That gives me more pleasure...
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You dwell in glory/The heavens are your home/You began the story/And made your beauty known/But You created nothing/That gives me more pleasure than You/And you won't give me something/That gives me more pleasure...
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Hey Mac?,
I wish that I had all the answers to your questions. I will try to give you my thoughts but they not be God's.
God says in the Bible that His ways are not our own. Alot of the things that He does just doesn't make sense to human beings, especially to those people that don't have the Holy Spirit on the inside of them. The only way to receive the Holy spirit is to be Born Again.
You said that New Orleans was a religious city. You said that the majority of them are Christians. Are they really Christian? Look at Northern Ireland. The Catholics are fighting with the Protestants and the Protestants are fighting with the Catholics. Did God tell them to do that or are they doing what comes naturally? That is not the Holy Spirit inside of those people. Those people are living by sin. In otherwards they are not living by the power of the Holy Spirit. They are doing what Satan does not what God does. They may call themselves Christian but are they pleasing to God?
Ok. Say those 10,000 people that died in New Orleans were Born Again Christians. Yes, God did bring them home. They are in Heaven with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The ones that were left behind now are forced to think about eternity. If the disaster never happened those unbelievers would continue in there ways apart from God. They would probably die without knowing who God is. Not that the disaster will get the unbelievers saved but it is an opportunity. They saw death and now they are thinking about there own death in the future.
Is God selfish or are human beings selfish? Jesus left His Kingdom in Heaven to come to Earth 2000 years ago. He did not have to do that but He chose to do that. He came to Earth to teach us the Truth of His Father. He came to show us that we are sinners. He volunteered to die on the cross as payment for our sins. He died and rose again so that we can have a relationship with the Father through Jesus. Jesus needed to go back to the Father in heaven so that He could give us His Holy Spirit. Jesus suffered greatly so that we can be forgiven of our sins. Is that selfish?
Or is it selfish to say," I believe in God but I want to live my own way.
I tried to tell my father about God one time and my dad snapped on me. He said," I like my life and I don't want to change." What my father is saying is that he likes his comfort and doesn't want to change. His comfort is more important to him, than having a relationship with God.
Henry Ford created a car years ago. The car was made for a purpose. What if that car said, I refuse to do what I was created for. Wouldn't Henry Ford be angry and tear the car apart. God doesn't do that. He is patient but people want nothing to do with God. They are not living the way God created them to live.
I hope that I might have been able to help?
I wish that I had all the answers to your questions. I will try to give you my thoughts but they not be God's.
God says in the Bible that His ways are not our own. Alot of the things that He does just doesn't make sense to human beings, especially to those people that don't have the Holy Spirit on the inside of them. The only way to receive the Holy spirit is to be Born Again.
You said that New Orleans was a religious city. You said that the majority of them are Christians. Are they really Christian? Look at Northern Ireland. The Catholics are fighting with the Protestants and the Protestants are fighting with the Catholics. Did God tell them to do that or are they doing what comes naturally? That is not the Holy Spirit inside of those people. Those people are living by sin. In otherwards they are not living by the power of the Holy Spirit. They are doing what Satan does not what God does. They may call themselves Christian but are they pleasing to God?
Ok. Say those 10,000 people that died in New Orleans were Born Again Christians. Yes, God did bring them home. They are in Heaven with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The ones that were left behind now are forced to think about eternity. If the disaster never happened those unbelievers would continue in there ways apart from God. They would probably die without knowing who God is. Not that the disaster will get the unbelievers saved but it is an opportunity. They saw death and now they are thinking about there own death in the future.
Is God selfish or are human beings selfish? Jesus left His Kingdom in Heaven to come to Earth 2000 years ago. He did not have to do that but He chose to do that. He came to Earth to teach us the Truth of His Father. He came to show us that we are sinners. He volunteered to die on the cross as payment for our sins. He died and rose again so that we can have a relationship with the Father through Jesus. Jesus needed to go back to the Father in heaven so that He could give us His Holy Spirit. Jesus suffered greatly so that we can be forgiven of our sins. Is that selfish?
Or is it selfish to say," I believe in God but I want to live my own way.
I tried to tell my father about God one time and my dad snapped on me. He said," I like my life and I don't want to change." What my father is saying is that he likes his comfort and doesn't want to change. His comfort is more important to him, than having a relationship with God.
Henry Ford created a car years ago. The car was made for a purpose. What if that car said, I refuse to do what I was created for. Wouldn't Henry Ford be angry and tear the car apart. God doesn't do that. He is patient but people want nothing to do with God. They are not living the way God created them to live.
I hope that I might have been able to help?
I was watching the 700 Club today. There was a story about a blck woman and her young daughter. They survived Hurricane Hugo. The storm damaged the fishing village that they lived in. The woman's house was a mess but she loved it and didn't want to leave. She wasn't a Born Again Christian at the time. She and her daughter gave their lives to Christ after Christians came to their house and fixed there house for them free of charge.
That is a perfect example of how God uses tragedies to save people for eternity. If nothing bad ever happened to her she might still be a lost sinner on her way to hell. Even though other people have gotten killed, God used the storm to save her and start an eternal relationship with her.
That is a perfect example of how God uses tragedies to save people for eternity. If nothing bad ever happened to her she might still be a lost sinner on her way to hell. Even though other people have gotten killed, God used the storm to save her and start an eternal relationship with her.
Above all powers, above all kings/ Above all nature and all created things/ Above all wisdom and all the ways of man/ You were here before the world began/ Above all kingdoms, above all thrones/ Above all wonders the world has ever known/ Above all wealth and treasures of the earth/ There's no way to measure what You're worth/ Crucified/ Laid behind the stone/ You...
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Hey...Did you give up on me?
With all of the mean and smart alek comments that I get, I find it amazing about what you people know. You people know alot about God but it is proof that you want nothing to do with Him. Why should He take you into Heaven to be with Him when you die? Heaven is for people who want to be there not for people...
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What if Mother Theresa never asked Jesus to come into her heart so that He can save her?
Wasn't she a nun? Isn't that, you know, one of the things that nuns do?
It is hard being a Christian. I tried to tell so many people about my faith. They all rejected what I was telling them. I spent $ 6000.00 last Christmas on gifts for my co-workers at Ohio Valley General Hospital. I got fired after giving only three gifts to the people in Human resources. The head Human Resources woman yelled and said this is gross...
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I will try to respond on Tuesday. I can see that you might be a little weird but certainly no dummy. I got a head ache just imagining attempting to answer.Wow!!
I just think it's so awesome that someone finally recognizes how much Jesus loves porn.
Thank you, and bless you.
Thank you, and bless you.
What is the meaning of life? What is the purpose? We go through life happy,sad and sometimes afraid of the future. We go to work hoping for a good day or at least a tolerable day. We think in our hearts just two more days until the weekend. The weekend comes and goes and then the cycle continues. Everyday is another day closer to death....
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have u got any naked pics of jesus i have googled a lot but cant find any thx any help appreciated!1!
Sorry guys... Maybe this is why I am so sad. The meaning of life is to have a relationship with God. I admit that my relationship is not good. That is why I found this site because I felt lonely. I was hoping that maybe if I helped you people to know Jesus as Lord and Savior then my life would feel so much more fulfilled. All that I got was hate mail from you all. I hope that if someone tries to do good for you in the future he or she is not a hypocrite. I know without a doubt that I am going to Heaven but my relationship is not good. bye all. Best wishes finding your own way. I can't help you........
Why do people claim to be Atheist! Look outside. Look at all the beauty. The beautiful trees and wild animals. Look at the birds of the air. There are many species of animals according to there kinds. Look at the stars at night. Did all these things happen by accident? If so how did it happen? Why is it so perfect?
I believe that many...
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I believe that many...
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A Time for Everything
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot , a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to...
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There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot , a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to...
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Oh well!
Sorry I didn't know I ran off the other day... What can I do for you?
Toil is Meaningless
So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun is grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. I hated all the things that I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me. And who knows weather he will be a wise man...
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So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun is grievous to me. All of it is meaningless, a chasing after the wind. I hated all the things that I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me. And who knows weather he will be a wise man...
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Wisdom and Folly Are Meaningless
Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom,and also madness and folly. What more can the king's successor do than what has already been done? I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness. The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in darkness; but I came to realize that...
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Then I turned my thoughts to consider wisdom,and also madness and folly. What more can the king's successor do than what has already been done? I saw that wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness. The wise man has eyes in his head, while the fool walks in darkness; but I came to realize that...
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Hey, there you are. Nice to SEE you for a change! Hope all is going well with you. I still haven't written you back regarding the email, but then I haven't really been home much lately. I barely get a chance to read my emails much less respond to them. I think I am going to have this coming Tuesday off though, so I promise to send you a very interesting email by then!
Until then, keep the peace and have a great day.
Until then, keep the peace and have a great day.