So here I am filling your bloghole @ 3:09am. 
To start off, I got asked to be in the !Illini-Deviants club on DeviantArt. I asked how they added pictures to their gallery from artists and photographers. This is what they told me:
"All you have to do is send me a note with a link to the deviation you would like to display in our gallery. It is your choice. Proper credit is given to you and a link is provided as well for others to find your deviation in your gallery. You maintain all copyrights.
As for donations, that is totally up to you if you would like to donate a deviation that will be of print quality. The purpose of donations is to raise enough funds to purchase a subscription for the group, as well as for subscription prizes in upcoming contests for the winners. However, if you decide to donate a deviation, it must come with a waiver entitling us full copyrights in order for us to be able to sell as prints. If interested, you can send your donation to the email that is located on our front page.
Hope that these answers covered your questions."
So what'ya think? Should I even bother submitting anything? Does it sound like I'll have no rights to my work if I do?
I've also been looking for some new people to shoot. If any of you have followed by work on DeviantArt, you'll see that I don't have a very good mix of models that I've shot. I'd like to change that. Hopefully I can find some fresh faces.
Oh and head on over to muh friend, obsequies, and show her some love! She rules and makes her own clothes and sells 'em on eBay!
I'd also like to give a shout out to Rizombie, her video blogs are adorable and she's completely freakin' hot! Woot

To start off, I got asked to be in the !Illini-Deviants club on DeviantArt. I asked how they added pictures to their gallery from artists and photographers. This is what they told me:
"All you have to do is send me a note with a link to the deviation you would like to display in our gallery. It is your choice. Proper credit is given to you and a link is provided as well for others to find your deviation in your gallery. You maintain all copyrights.
As for donations, that is totally up to you if you would like to donate a deviation that will be of print quality. The purpose of donations is to raise enough funds to purchase a subscription for the group, as well as for subscription prizes in upcoming contests for the winners. However, if you decide to donate a deviation, it must come with a waiver entitling us full copyrights in order for us to be able to sell as prints. If interested, you can send your donation to the email that is located on our front page.
Hope that these answers covered your questions."
So what'ya think? Should I even bother submitting anything? Does it sound like I'll have no rights to my work if I do?
I've also been looking for some new people to shoot. If any of you have followed by work on DeviantArt, you'll see that I don't have a very good mix of models that I've shot. I'd like to change that. Hopefully I can find some fresh faces.

Oh and head on over to muh friend, obsequies, and show her some love! She rules and makes her own clothes and sells 'em on eBay!
I'd also like to give a shout out to Rizombie, her video blogs are adorable and she's completely freakin' hot! Woot
I miss you. I know I have been an awful friend and have been completely MIA. No excuses. I hope you are doing alright! How is things with your mom?
i'm also uber guilty of not being quite active due to life and internet limitations but thats a big reason why i trimmed the list, so i could keep up with people o already know and adore and also people i found interesting.. and that included you!