Thanks go out to everyone whose added me and to those of you who don\'t add people - whatever. lol
Right now, I\'m just sitting here in my store, bored as hell, so I\'m gonna post a weak ass blog.
So my main goals are to take the video store to better profits and make good money being a photographer. I\'d like to be an SG photographer someday, because the site is just so cool, but I wonder if its worth it. I\'ll be buying all my equipment and getting my space for the studio in January or February when I start school. After that, I want to get crackin\' on taking some kick ass pictures.
I\'ll be giving out some free shoots to people who want \'em, to get my name out and possibly get future work from them. If anybody wants one and lives near Grafton, Illinois, let me know.
Well, that\'s it. I\'m out.
Right now, I\'m just sitting here in my store, bored as hell, so I\'m gonna post a weak ass blog.
So my main goals are to take the video store to better profits and make good money being a photographer. I\'d like to be an SG photographer someday, because the site is just so cool, but I wonder if its worth it. I\'ll be buying all my equipment and getting my space for the studio in January or February when I start school. After that, I want to get crackin\' on taking some kick ass pictures.
I\'ll be giving out some free shoots to people who want \'em, to get my name out and possibly get future work from them. If anybody wants one and lives near Grafton, Illinois, let me know.

Well, that\'s it. I\'m out.