Third night in a row full of bad dreams. I'm sure someone into interpreting dreams would have a bloody field day with me. First night, I'm on the observation platform of a tall building with my brother, and then some family of psychos attacks us. Next night, I dream I'm puking my guts out, I wake up and feel like I have to puke! Last...
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Started at York University back in September, getting myself a super-practical history degree! I love it so far, nothing but reading about the stuff I love. I even have a course entirely on science fiction... God I love electives! Haven't been on here in a while, busy summer and a lot to do with school. Feels good being back in the good old halls of...
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Ah yes, sweet relief. Soon, after it heals.
Got surgery on both feet today, local only so I got to be awake for the whole thing. First one was a little awake so I got to be Mr. Trooper and IGNORED THE PAIN! Smartened up after that and had the doc load up the second foot with anesthetic. Soon as I'm healed up I'll be...
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Got surgery on both feet today, local only so I got to be awake for the whole thing. First one was a little awake so I got to be Mr. Trooper and IGNORED THE PAIN! Smartened up after that and had the doc load up the second foot with anesthetic. Soon as I'm healed up I'll be...
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Hahah, PLUS his birth certificate, CLEARLY a fraud. We all saw that video with the baboon holding him over a cliff
With Oz, the real problem is the social side isn't as good as it could be. Alcohol is HUGELY expensive (and as a Scot, I can't support that shit) and to be honest people just aren't as good banter. Obviously it could just be that I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time, but there's just so little really awesome chat on a night out. It's almost too politically correct, people are so easily offended even just by simple swearing. I dunno, I might just be in the totally wrong places but it just doesn't kick enough ass for my liking.
And ah, the jumped thing was the saddest shit ever. One of the first groups I joined was "Atheists" being that I'm a total heathen. But shortly after joining I found it wasn't so much a group about Atheism as it was just a bunch of douchebags running their own private club. I came in and made a point about "extremism" being a lie being that it's typically the most devout that are called extremists. Suddenly I have on guy calling me a "sith" which is a fucking Star Wars term. I thought that one guy was just high, but then other people started using it. Turns out there was about 5 or 6 in this group (including the group leader) who were all about this bullshit. I started calling them out on it, throwing around insults (the 'RULES' thread stated you can call anyone anything and there were no rules). Suddenly the group leader FREAKS out and starts messaging me, going mental and generally being a retard. In the end, I showed her the "rules" thread and she replaced it with one that was totally tame. Did she apologise for giving me grief when my actions went entirely under the current rules? No. The clique is still there and I just ignore it now.
Thing is, shortly after that, the 5 or 6 people were obviously telling everyone about me. Now I've been disallowed from joining the SGAU group because the leader is part of that same clique of douchebags. He's pathetic enough to have written me this big bitchy email RIDDLED with inaccuracies, and before letting me tear it apart, he puts me on ignore. Sad, sad children. Little do they realise that being dickheads to new people on any community is the first step in destroying a community. You can already see SG is starting to suffer as new people aren't being welcomed as much as they should. It's their money, y'know
With Oz, the real problem is the social side isn't as good as it could be. Alcohol is HUGELY expensive (and as a Scot, I can't support that shit) and to be honest people just aren't as good banter. Obviously it could just be that I'm in the wrong place at the wrong time, but there's just so little really awesome chat on a night out. It's almost too politically correct, people are so easily offended even just by simple swearing. I dunno, I might just be in the totally wrong places but it just doesn't kick enough ass for my liking.
And ah, the jumped thing was the saddest shit ever. One of the first groups I joined was "Atheists" being that I'm a total heathen. But shortly after joining I found it wasn't so much a group about Atheism as it was just a bunch of douchebags running their own private club. I came in and made a point about "extremism" being a lie being that it's typically the most devout that are called extremists. Suddenly I have on guy calling me a "sith" which is a fucking Star Wars term. I thought that one guy was just high, but then other people started using it. Turns out there was about 5 or 6 in this group (including the group leader) who were all about this bullshit. I started calling them out on it, throwing around insults (the 'RULES' thread stated you can call anyone anything and there were no rules). Suddenly the group leader FREAKS out and starts messaging me, going mental and generally being a retard. In the end, I showed her the "rules" thread and she replaced it with one that was totally tame. Did she apologise for giving me grief when my actions went entirely under the current rules? No. The clique is still there and I just ignore it now.
Thing is, shortly after that, the 5 or 6 people were obviously telling everyone about me. Now I've been disallowed from joining the SGAU group because the leader is part of that same clique of douchebags. He's pathetic enough to have written me this big bitchy email RIDDLED with inaccuracies, and before letting me tear it apart, he puts me on ignore. Sad, sad children. Little do they realise that being dickheads to new people on any community is the first step in destroying a community. You can already see SG is starting to suffer as new people aren't being welcomed as much as they should. It's their money, y'know
Stupid, last night was really stupid. Enjoyed 4 hours of sleep, woke up bright and early for work. Yay!
I'd love to live in Montreal, but I actually live just North of Toronto. Cheering for the Habs is a family thing. It's fun to antagonize all of my friends who cheer for the Leafs. Especially since the only thing the Leafs play during the play-offs is golf.
Moving to Australia must be a huge adjustment, I've only been to Scotland once, but I remember the weather.
In an aside, what are some recommendations in terms of SG?
Moving to Australia must be a huge adjustment, I've only been to Scotland once, but I remember the weather.
In an aside, what are some recommendations in terms of SG?
People cheer the Leafs? Hahah. Australia was a crazy adjustment, and tbh I am in two minds about the whole experience. Lots of good things, but Australia really isn't my country. Lots of things I just can't get on board with. I'm hoping for Canada next.
As for SG, I'd just say get active on the boards, join every group that interests you, play around in Chat and meet new people, and most of all, speak your mind. For every four or five people who will pull cliquey bullshit and call their friends in to try to jump you (had this happen, and it was hilariously pathetic) there are some really sound people on the forum who are just here to enjoy the women and the banter.
As for SG, I'd just say get active on the boards, join every group that interests you, play around in Chat and meet new people, and most of all, speak your mind. For every four or five people who will pull cliquey bullshit and call their friends in to try to jump you (had this happen, and it was hilariously pathetic) there are some really sound people on the forum who are just here to enjoy the women and the banter.
Yeah it's odd that a website that depends on it's community holds them at arms length. And just to warn you, there is a LOT of cliquey behaviour here. Not in Chat or the boards, but if you go for the Groups, be prepared for a lot of pathetic shit.
As for the Montreal game... DAMN IT!
As for the Montreal game... DAMN IT!