woke up on the floor of a seedy apartment in baltimore this morning.
ahh, good to be home.
actually, it wasn't that bad.
i came out of it with a home cooked meal and an edgar allen poe action figure.
i did get lost however, when i had to exit i-95 because i had no money for the toll. i figured i'd just get something at a gas station and get back on the highway.
yah, exit i took - industrial park.
that sucked.
i'm going to go watch my new KMFDM dvd and pass out in my bed.
i miss my creative writings.
for 2 dollars i'll write you a piece of my mind. at least 2 pages long.
or something equivalent to 2 dollars.
does anyone else read that word as "equi-valent"
or is it "equiv-elent" to you?
ahh, good to be home.
actually, it wasn't that bad.
i came out of it with a home cooked meal and an edgar allen poe action figure.
i did get lost however, when i had to exit i-95 because i had no money for the toll. i figured i'd just get something at a gas station and get back on the highway.
yah, exit i took - industrial park.
that sucked.
i'm going to go watch my new KMFDM dvd and pass out in my bed.
i miss my creative writings.
for 2 dollars i'll write you a piece of my mind. at least 2 pages long.
or something equivalent to 2 dollars.
does anyone else read that word as "equi-valent"
or is it "equiv-elent" to you?