Dammit! I'm gonna finish this damn update!!!
You all have no idea how many time i've started to update this thing and i got distracted by other crap ending in me not finishing the update then Mozilla screws up and closes or my computer restarts for no reason or some crap like that...
in the last few weeks ive done a bunch of stuff, like visiting a mass murderers grave site(picture in pics section under "other stuff..."), almost saw Tony Hawk's Boom Boom Huckjam tour, Watched the most badass of movies in "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra", made a bonfire in the alley behind my buddies house, got siphyllis, went crazy, and died from it, and met Speedy Gonzales who turned out to be an alien cartoon which explains his being able to talk and run at supersonic speeds. One or two of those might have been dreams... I can't remember...
Oh, and I found out I'm gonna be getting sent off to the desert in about two weeks cause the military blows donkey knockers. So you won't see me for a little over three months once i leave. But for now, I'm still around.
YES!!! finally finished updating! so good... can you get me a glass of water now while i smoke this cigarette? thanks... so good...

Dammit! I'm gonna finish this damn update!!!
You all have no idea how many time i've started to update this thing and i got distracted by other crap ending in me not finishing the update then Mozilla screws up and closes or my computer restarts for no reason or some crap like that...
in the last few weeks ive done a bunch of stuff, like visiting a mass murderers grave site(picture in pics section under "other stuff..."), almost saw Tony Hawk's Boom Boom Huckjam tour, Watched the most badass of movies in "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra", made a bonfire in the alley behind my buddies house, got siphyllis, went crazy, and died from it, and met Speedy Gonzales who turned out to be an alien cartoon which explains his being able to talk and run at supersonic speeds. One or two of those might have been dreams... I can't remember...
Oh, and I found out I'm gonna be getting sent off to the desert in about two weeks cause the military blows donkey knockers. So you won't see me for a little over three months once i leave. But for now, I'm still around.
YES!!! finally finished updating! so good... can you get me a glass of water now while i smoke this cigarette? thanks... so good...


We'll miss you!
Here are some good luck kisses:
And some good luck monkeys:
And good luck piggies:
And good luck kitties:
I'm such a geek. I'll stop now.
where did i put those ass pictures again hhhmmmmmmmmmm