Well last thursday I went to the joslyn which is out local museum and art gallery. it was fucking awesome. i loved it.
friday i went and hung out at my buddy nates place and met this one girl that i knew from online. she turned out to be really cool. she'll be a good friend.
saturday i went swimming and got a bit of a sunburn but its not that bad. i was supposed to get with sarah at around 8 but i left my cellphone at IHOP on accident and didnt remember til around 11:30 or something. i got with her then.
and then on sunday i went with sarah to test drive my soon to be car. needs a bit o work but itll be great afterward. well for a first car at least. and i met a bunch of people in her family whic ws really nice for the most part cause it was like being back home, just the atmosphere of the people and places. it was really great. and i got to drive the entire 78 miles back. it was great.
anyway that was my weekend. back to slcking on my journal!

Well last thursday I went to the joslyn which is out local museum and art gallery. it was fucking awesome. i loved it.
friday i went and hung out at my buddy nates place and met this one girl that i knew from online. she turned out to be really cool. she'll be a good friend.
saturday i went swimming and got a bit of a sunburn but its not that bad. i was supposed to get with sarah at around 8 but i left my cellphone at IHOP on accident and didnt remember til around 11:30 or something. i got with her then.
and then on sunday i went with sarah to test drive my soon to be car. needs a bit o work but itll be great afterward. well for a first car at least. and i met a bunch of people in her family whic ws really nice for the most part cause it was like being back home, just the atmosphere of the people and places. it was really great. and i got to drive the entire 78 miles back. it was great.
anyway that was my weekend. back to slcking on my journal!


i saw this and thought of you