So me and my buddies we're supposed to go to see a band called Candiria in Davenport. You folks from west coast might have heard of them cause they're from Brooklyn and are fairly popular around that area from what I've been told.
But anyway.
We get there and Candiria is NOT playing like it says on Ticketmaster, and instead they've been replaced by a band called Dry Kill Logic who I have never heard of but will always hate because of this.
So we say fuck it.
We don't want to sit around for a few hours and watch some shitty band that no ones ever heard of.
So we go back to Omaha and we dont get back until about 2.
But we're all still pretty wired and one of the guys who lives at my buddies place who didnt go had some people over, one of which was really into my buddy, who had been on a major fucking dry spell.
Well lets just say that sry spell ended last night.
And it's good because he was starting to whine alot about that shit.
Understandable, but seriously irritating.
So no more whining.
But yeah... so my whole point?
Having sex is now officially called, "Not seeing Candiria"
Man 1: Hey, man. Did you see Candiria last night?
Man 2: I SO did not see Candiria last night... and it was good...
Man 1: Sweet...
Man 1: Hey, man. Did you see Candiria last night?
Man 2: Yeah, I saw Candiria last night...
Man 1: Ah. That sucks.
So, out of us four guys that were at the house last night... I was the only one who saw Candiria... but at least the cat slept with me.

So me and my buddies we're supposed to go to see a band called Candiria in Davenport. You folks from west coast might have heard of them cause they're from Brooklyn and are fairly popular around that area from what I've been told.
But anyway.
We get there and Candiria is NOT playing like it says on Ticketmaster, and instead they've been replaced by a band called Dry Kill Logic who I have never heard of but will always hate because of this.
So we say fuck it.
We don't want to sit around for a few hours and watch some shitty band that no ones ever heard of.
So we go back to Omaha and we dont get back until about 2.
But we're all still pretty wired and one of the guys who lives at my buddies place who didnt go had some people over, one of which was really into my buddy, who had been on a major fucking dry spell.
Well lets just say that sry spell ended last night.
And it's good because he was starting to whine alot about that shit.
Understandable, but seriously irritating.
So no more whining.
But yeah... so my whole point?
Having sex is now officially called, "Not seeing Candiria"
Man 1: Hey, man. Did you see Candiria last night?
Man 2: I SO did not see Candiria last night... and it was good...
Man 1: Sweet...
Man 1: Hey, man. Did you see Candiria last night?
Man 2: Yeah, I saw Candiria last night...
Man 1: Ah. That sucks.
So, out of us four guys that were at the house last night... I was the only one who saw Candiria... but at least the cat slept with me.


i mean you know...u sleeeping with the cat
u fuckin pervert
yea i saw Candiria last night too