Last night kinda sucked... alot.
A half hour before the Mudvayne concert was about to start I call my friend who was going to drive me and who had said that he would be able to go just the night before and he tells me that he's half way to Chicago and that he cant go, and therefore niether can I... so what do I do?
I try everyone that I know and like that might want to go which narrows my list from alot to five. Narrow it again by people who are actually in town that night and you got two. Narrow it down one more time by people who are able to use their cars and you got none.
Yay for me, eh?
So I go thru myspace emailing everyone thats on and who might possibly like metal. I finally get one and she offers to drive me in exchange for my buddy's ticket.
Done deal.
I get there an hour late and Bloodsimple and American Head Charge have already got done playing. No harm there, I don't know Bloodsimple's stuff and I don't like AHC. But I get to hear (hear... not see due to being shoved into the corner with many tall fucks in front of me because I was so fucking late) Life of Agony, who kicked ass, and Mudvayne, who were fucking awesome.
But I was a sad, sad panda.
So I didn't really watch or care or sing along to or headbang at all during the thing. Mostly when they started Dig, but still not much, cause I didn't know anyone there and i suck at talking to new people.
So it ended... with no encore... ugh.
I called the girl who gave me a ride because she left because her bf had some gig later that night but she said she would still pick me up. Well, cause I'm a nice guy and I'm stupid when I'm depressed, I told her not to pick me up and that I would walk. It's only like a ten minute car ride back to my place on a road where you can go 45. How long can it take to walk?
Remember... I said I was doing something stupid before you did.
So I walk... and walk... and walk... and walk... and walk a bit more.
The concert ended at 11pm... It's now 2am... And I'm still fucking walking with probably another .5-1 hour left.
Then this young black guy in a nice luxery sedan and nice beige suit and mild Jamaican accent stops and offers me a ride.
Fuck it.
It isn't the two gorgeous, redheaded twins out celebrating their 18th birthday like it's supposed to be but I'm tired and wanting to get the fuck home.
Turns out the guy is head of this local Reggae company and they just got done with a show. I love reggae so he gives me his bands info and when they're going to be playing next.
That's cool... but I'm definatly going to be going with somebody i know...
Then I go inside and go to bed...
I'm still tired.

Last night kinda sucked... alot.
A half hour before the Mudvayne concert was about to start I call my friend who was going to drive me and who had said that he would be able to go just the night before and he tells me that he's half way to Chicago and that he cant go, and therefore niether can I... so what do I do?
I try everyone that I know and like that might want to go which narrows my list from alot to five. Narrow it again by people who are actually in town that night and you got two. Narrow it down one more time by people who are able to use their cars and you got none.
Yay for me, eh?
So I go thru myspace emailing everyone thats on and who might possibly like metal. I finally get one and she offers to drive me in exchange for my buddy's ticket.
Done deal.
I get there an hour late and Bloodsimple and American Head Charge have already got done playing. No harm there, I don't know Bloodsimple's stuff and I don't like AHC. But I get to hear (hear... not see due to being shoved into the corner with many tall fucks in front of me because I was so fucking late) Life of Agony, who kicked ass, and Mudvayne, who were fucking awesome.
But I was a sad, sad panda.
So I didn't really watch or care or sing along to or headbang at all during the thing. Mostly when they started Dig, but still not much, cause I didn't know anyone there and i suck at talking to new people.
So it ended... with no encore... ugh.
I called the girl who gave me a ride because she left because her bf had some gig later that night but she said she would still pick me up. Well, cause I'm a nice guy and I'm stupid when I'm depressed, I told her not to pick me up and that I would walk. It's only like a ten minute car ride back to my place on a road where you can go 45. How long can it take to walk?
Remember... I said I was doing something stupid before you did.
So I walk... and walk... and walk... and walk... and walk a bit more.
The concert ended at 11pm... It's now 2am... And I'm still fucking walking with probably another .5-1 hour left.
Then this young black guy in a nice luxery sedan and nice beige suit and mild Jamaican accent stops and offers me a ride.
Fuck it.
It isn't the two gorgeous, redheaded twins out celebrating their 18th birthday like it's supposed to be but I'm tired and wanting to get the fuck home.
Turns out the guy is head of this local Reggae company and they just got done with a show. I love reggae so he gives me his bands info and when they're going to be playing next.
That's cool... but I'm definatly going to be going with somebody i know...
Then I go inside and go to bed...
I'm still tired.

im lookin at my friends list and imlike what the fuck???? LOL
ok so why did ya change it????
ya BOOB!