Last night was really nice.
I went back out with the girl from last weekend.
First we went to Spaghetti Works where we had mediocre Italian food. Personally Ive had a better Tortellini Alfredo at a steak house, but I still had a good time.
We sat there and talked about our past and our goals and such for about an hour after we finished our meals.
Then we left the restaurant and dropped her umbrella off at her car, because it had stopped raining, and went walking downtown a bit.
She wore my jacket because it was a bit cold.
We walked to a park near where she works.
We found a few benches to sit on at the top of a hill and we sat there and held each other for an hour and a half.
We had a really nice view of the park and the downtown area with all of the tall buildings. We could also see the fountain in the middle of the lake. It was very tall and would change colors. Very pretty.
After awhile when it got too cold for even me we decided to go back to her apartment.
We got there and we curled up on the couch and tried to watch Endless Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Good movie from the little I saw of it, tho I figured out the whole thing in the first 20-30 minutes. Still didnt make the movie any less interesting tho.
But then the DVD started skipping and froze up. So I didnt get to see more than forty minutes of the movie, but it was ok cause then it was time to go to bed.
We went to her room and fell asleep in each others arms. Nothing happened because its not the right time of the month for those kinds of things. But just laying there next to her was good enough for me.
We talked a bit about some important things and some not so important things before nodding off to sleep. I can still feel her when I close my eyes.
One of the best experiences of my life.

Last night was really nice.
I went back out with the girl from last weekend.
First we went to Spaghetti Works where we had mediocre Italian food. Personally Ive had a better Tortellini Alfredo at a steak house, but I still had a good time.
We sat there and talked about our past and our goals and such for about an hour after we finished our meals.
Then we left the restaurant and dropped her umbrella off at her car, because it had stopped raining, and went walking downtown a bit.
She wore my jacket because it was a bit cold.
We walked to a park near where she works.
We found a few benches to sit on at the top of a hill and we sat there and held each other for an hour and a half.
We had a really nice view of the park and the downtown area with all of the tall buildings. We could also see the fountain in the middle of the lake. It was very tall and would change colors. Very pretty.
After awhile when it got too cold for even me we decided to go back to her apartment.
We got there and we curled up on the couch and tried to watch Endless Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Good movie from the little I saw of it, tho I figured out the whole thing in the first 20-30 minutes. Still didnt make the movie any less interesting tho.
But then the DVD started skipping and froze up. So I didnt get to see more than forty minutes of the movie, but it was ok cause then it was time to go to bed.
We went to her room and fell asleep in each others arms. Nothing happened because its not the right time of the month for those kinds of things. But just laying there next to her was good enough for me.
We talked a bit about some important things and some not so important things before nodding off to sleep. I can still feel her when I close my eyes.
One of the best experiences of my life.


nice to know things are good somewhere

sounds like yr doing everything right so far, wish you luck!