I hate you guys...
What are your initials- BCH Brian Carter Hall.
Ever been given a ring - Yep. My ex gave me one o them mood rings. its cheap but whatever. reminds me of good times.
Longest Relationship about three months... blah...
Last gift you gave - The Tao of Jeet Kun Do to my pops for Christmas. He's a Bruce Lee fan.
Last gift received - A book from another ex for writing all may songs in. It's come in very helpful. tho its doesnt remind me of such good times... blah.
How many times have you dropped your cell? I dont know... once maybe.
Last sport played - Football
Where do you live - Omaha, NE.
Highschool you attended - Killeen HS, Killeen, TX.
Cell phone service provider - Alltell
Favorite mall store - heres a shocker!!! HotTopic?!?! You dont say! That or Gamestop.
Longest Job held - Well I'd have to say Four years even tho ive only been in the military a little less than two the other twoo still count...
Do you own a pair of dice - I own lots of dice... D&D geek.
Do you prank call people - nope.
Last wedding attended - My parents... toldja i was a bastard.
First friend you call if you won the lottery - what kind of crappy question is that? im not answering this one...
Last time you attended church - Basic Training.
Favorite Lake - ... I dont know... The Dead Sea... whatever.
How many Harry Potters book you've read - none. my mummy read them to me. im serious...
Age of first kiss - 5... and it was a french kiss... and she was 8... i used to be such a pimp... hehe.
Favorite fast food restaurant - KFC easy.
Biggest lie you've heard - well thats rather relative dontcha think...
Where do you work - In a top secret undisclosed location... again I'm serious.
has a girl ever given you flowers?-- no.
whats your favorite flowers?-- Not sure really... I dont know flowers much.
Can you cook? Yes and I love it. Too bad I dont have a kitchen...
What kinda car you drive? 93 Grand Am POS but it works.
Best kisser? I dunno... You wouldnt know them tho so i guess it doesnt matter.
Worst kisser? See above.
Most hated food? Anything with too much sugar. It makes me naseus or however you spell it.
Thing you like most about yourself? everthing.
Thing you hate most about yourself? nothing.
Have a secret you can't tell? hehe... its my job.
Condom brand? trojan. fits just right. Durex is too thin... those are the only two ive tried...
Can you sing? Yep. Im ok.
Last concert attended? Mudvayne, Life of Agony and Bloodsimple. I'm attending another Mudvayne concert later this month. this time with sevendust. its gonna be kickass.
Favorite Restaurant? The Elevenworth Cafe. Its awesome.
Last movie rented? That was like two years ago or something... I dont know. Last movie I saw in theaters waws Saw II... kicked ass. Shaw!
Where were you born? Beaufort, SC.
What color eyes do you have? Blue-Grey. They're awesome...
What color hair do you have? Dark Brown.
How tall are you? 5' 11"
What is your race? Caucaziod
Do you smoke? Rarely.
Do you drink? Nope
Do you use drugs? Nope
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings? Yep
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be? Being chased off a cliff by a mob of hot naked women.
Are you evil? No... just a little misled.
Are you a paranoid person? No... The government has already admitted to watching me... I'm serious.
What is your favorite movie?Nightmare Before Christmas... I just wish it were longer...
What is your favorite game? Warsong on the Genesis.
Who is your favorite band? Counting Crows.
What is your favorite song? Good Time by the Counting Crows. It discribes me very well.
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read? Fantasy and Sci Fi books, comic books, Heavy Metal and Music mags.
What is your favorite color? Black... surprise, huh?
What is your favorite food? Chicken Spaghetti. One of the things I love cooking. And its not a very east recipe.
What is your favorite drink? Milk.
Have you held a job for less than a day? Nope.
where do u want to live? Right where I am.
where do you want to get married? On a cliff in Ireland.
were u named afteranyone?A guy my mom used to have a crush on... my moms crazy... hehe.
fav tv show--- Buffy the Vampire Slayer... and if you laugh then you obviously nver gave it a chance. its one of the best written shows out there.
siblings-- two step brothers and a half sister. that i know of.
fav ice cream--- none.
are u in a relationship or do u want one? im not but i do want one. Jan 1 is my deadline.
There you go.

What are your initials- BCH Brian Carter Hall.
Ever been given a ring - Yep. My ex gave me one o them mood rings. its cheap but whatever. reminds me of good times.
Longest Relationship about three months... blah...
Last gift you gave - The Tao of Jeet Kun Do to my pops for Christmas. He's a Bruce Lee fan.
Last gift received - A book from another ex for writing all may songs in. It's come in very helpful. tho its doesnt remind me of such good times... blah.
How many times have you dropped your cell? I dont know... once maybe.
Last sport played - Football
Where do you live - Omaha, NE.
Highschool you attended - Killeen HS, Killeen, TX.
Cell phone service provider - Alltell
Favorite mall store - heres a shocker!!! HotTopic?!?! You dont say! That or Gamestop.
Longest Job held - Well I'd have to say Four years even tho ive only been in the military a little less than two the other twoo still count...
Do you own a pair of dice - I own lots of dice... D&D geek.
Do you prank call people - nope.
Last wedding attended - My parents... toldja i was a bastard.
First friend you call if you won the lottery - what kind of crappy question is that? im not answering this one...
Last time you attended church - Basic Training.
Favorite Lake - ... I dont know... The Dead Sea... whatever.
How many Harry Potters book you've read - none. my mummy read them to me. im serious...
Age of first kiss - 5... and it was a french kiss... and she was 8... i used to be such a pimp... hehe.
Favorite fast food restaurant - KFC easy.
Biggest lie you've heard - well thats rather relative dontcha think...
Where do you work - In a top secret undisclosed location... again I'm serious.
has a girl ever given you flowers?-- no.
whats your favorite flowers?-- Not sure really... I dont know flowers much.
Can you cook? Yes and I love it. Too bad I dont have a kitchen...
What kinda car you drive? 93 Grand Am POS but it works.
Best kisser? I dunno... You wouldnt know them tho so i guess it doesnt matter.
Worst kisser? See above.
Most hated food? Anything with too much sugar. It makes me naseus or however you spell it.
Thing you like most about yourself? everthing.
Thing you hate most about yourself? nothing.
Have a secret you can't tell? hehe... its my job.
Condom brand? trojan. fits just right. Durex is too thin... those are the only two ive tried...
Can you sing? Yep. Im ok.
Last concert attended? Mudvayne, Life of Agony and Bloodsimple. I'm attending another Mudvayne concert later this month. this time with sevendust. its gonna be kickass.
Favorite Restaurant? The Elevenworth Cafe. Its awesome.
Last movie rented? That was like two years ago or something... I dont know. Last movie I saw in theaters waws Saw II... kicked ass. Shaw!
Where were you born? Beaufort, SC.
What color eyes do you have? Blue-Grey. They're awesome...
What color hair do you have? Dark Brown.
How tall are you? 5' 11"
What is your race? Caucaziod
Do you smoke? Rarely.
Do you drink? Nope
Do you use drugs? Nope
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings? Yep
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be? Being chased off a cliff by a mob of hot naked women.
Are you evil? No... just a little misled.
Are you a paranoid person? No... The government has already admitted to watching me... I'm serious.
What is your favorite movie?Nightmare Before Christmas... I just wish it were longer...
What is your favorite game? Warsong on the Genesis.
Who is your favorite band? Counting Crows.
What is your favorite song? Good Time by the Counting Crows. It discribes me very well.
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read? Fantasy and Sci Fi books, comic books, Heavy Metal and Music mags.
What is your favorite color? Black... surprise, huh?
What is your favorite food? Chicken Spaghetti. One of the things I love cooking. And its not a very east recipe.
What is your favorite drink? Milk.
Have you held a job for less than a day? Nope.
where do u want to live? Right where I am.
where do you want to get married? On a cliff in Ireland.
were u named afteranyone?A guy my mom used to have a crush on... my moms crazy... hehe.
fav tv show--- Buffy the Vampire Slayer... and if you laugh then you obviously nver gave it a chance. its one of the best written shows out there.
siblings-- two step brothers and a half sister. that i know of.
fav ice cream--- none.
are u in a relationship or do u want one? im not but i do want one. Jan 1 is my deadline.

There you go.
Two more years? I'm curious... how long did you sign up for? I only ask 'cause I've known since I joined that this would be my career, and in fact, I just signed my contract that'll take me to 25 years as of about 3 months ago! 

Fair enough. It certainly is an extremely healthy boost into the real world, there's no denying that.