Dammit! L7Rules... you suck dirty danglin donkey balls...
Ok first off... This Desert Life... the dsert sucks. i almost died of overhydration... and by that i mean i didnt get sex for over three months... im still dying a little bit...
And now for these gay twenty things thing... you ethiopian cumbubble...
1. I hate being tagged. All of my hide and seek games have ended up front page news.
2. I have only shoplifted once... and that was 200 dollar of stuff from a Hasting's.
3. Contrary to popular belief I was not, in fact, a stoner in high school and have actually never smoked weed in my life.
4. I am not gay... even tho L7Rules wishes I was... the bastard.
5. Music is my God.
6. I am yours.
7. I act cocky but I'm really not... I'm just truthful.
8. I used to be scared of girls. But that was when I was stupid. I's got's a ejumacation now.
9. I never wanted to join the military. But I did. I guess I'm still stupid.
10. I slept with your mom last night...
11. I am an honest to god Bastard. I would open up the Bastard Petting Zoo but I have a sneaking suspision most of the people on this site share the same trait...
12. I
13. I
14. I collect pictures of peoples left earlobes. Tho I only have a few.
15. I am getting bored of this... But still I press on...
16. I
women... I really do... In fact...
17. I

women... It deserves two bullets.
18. I could probably register "White Boy" as a legal alias in police records from how many times i've been called that.
19. The number 13 is my lucky number... or maybe that why I'm so unlucky... Hmm...
20. I'm not going to finish this with a fact about me. And thats a fact... about me... AW DAMMIT!!! I hate you...
Happy now you philistines?!
Ok first off... This Desert Life... the dsert sucks. i almost died of overhydration... and by that i mean i didnt get sex for over three months... im still dying a little bit...
And now for these gay twenty things thing... you ethiopian cumbubble...
1. I hate being tagged. All of my hide and seek games have ended up front page news.
2. I have only shoplifted once... and that was 200 dollar of stuff from a Hasting's.
3. Contrary to popular belief I was not, in fact, a stoner in high school and have actually never smoked weed in my life.
4. I am not gay... even tho L7Rules wishes I was... the bastard.

5. Music is my God.
6. I am yours.
7. I act cocky but I'm really not... I'm just truthful.
8. I used to be scared of girls. But that was when I was stupid. I's got's a ejumacation now.
9. I never wanted to join the military. But I did. I guess I'm still stupid.
10. I slept with your mom last night...
11. I am an honest to god Bastard. I would open up the Bastard Petting Zoo but I have a sneaking suspision most of the people on this site share the same trait...
12. I

13. I

14. I collect pictures of peoples left earlobes. Tho I only have a few.
15. I am getting bored of this... But still I press on...
16. I

17. I

18. I could probably register "White Boy" as a legal alias in police records from how many times i've been called that.
19. The number 13 is my lucky number... or maybe that why I'm so unlucky... Hmm...
20. I'm not going to finish this with a fact about me. And thats a fact... about me... AW DAMMIT!!! I hate you...
Happy now you philistines?!
What are your initials-
Ever been given a ring -
Longest Relationship
Last gift you gave -
Last gift received -
How many times have you dropped your cell?
Last sport played -
Where do you live -
Highschool you attended -
Cell phone service provider -
Favorite mall store -
Longest Job held -
Do you own a pair of dice -
Do you prank call people -
Last wedding attended -
First friend you call if you won the lottery -
Last time you attended church -
Favorite Lake -
How many Harry Potters book you've read -
Age of first kiss -
Favorite fast food restaurant -
Biggest lie you've heard -
Where do you work -
has a girl ever given you flowers?--
whats your favorite flowers?--
Can you cook?
What kinda car you drive?
Best kisser?
Worst kisser?
Most hated food?
Thing you like most about yourself?
Thing you hate most about yourself?
Have a secret you can't tell?
Condom brand?
Can you sing?
Last concert attended?
Favorite Restaurant?
Last movie rented?
Where were you born?
What color eyes do you have?
What color hair do you have?
How tall are you?
What is your race?
Do you smoke?
Do you drink?
Do you use drugs?
Do you have any tattoos and/or piercings?
If you had a choice about how you wanted to die what would it be?
Are you evil?
Are you a paranoid person?
What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite game?
Who is your favorite band?
What is your favorite song?
What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?
What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite food?
What is your favorite drink?
Have you held a job for less than a day?
where do u want to live?
where do you want to get married?
were u named afteranyone?
fav tv show---
fav ice cream---
are u in a relationship or do u want one?