So someone has sparked a bit of a debate.
His name is Heinrich.
He is the fella's cock.
Now there are a couple areas of debate here, one of which is the fact that I am quite certain I have never come across a penis with a name before, i mean sure, men naming thier cock is a common enough subject to joke about, and most of them do certainly seem to treat it like it is its own separate person. BUt to actually give it a name? The other issue i have is that, really, if your going to name it, there must be a name that would be...i dunno....sexier than that.
Now I will admit that I do see a certain humorous advantage to being able to refer to your cock in just day to day small talk.
"So what did you do today?"
"Ohh, nothing much, just spent some time hanging out with Heinrich. Hes been feeling a little lonely and neglected lately so I thought I would do something nice for him."
Sure, like a funny little inside joke.
But Im still fairly certain this isnt nearly as common a practice as the fella seems to think. Now see, the thing here is ai dont think he has quite caught on to how forward i really can be with people, so he decides to egg me on with comments about how his roomate has a name for his as well and why dont i ask him. THinking he will create a situation where he can potentially tease the both of us. Whereas im thinking, forget the roomate (who buy the way wouldnt answer my question ) Im gonna start asking everyone.
Im thinking it will make a nice new icebreaker.
Those same old questions get boring, "Where do you work?" "What do you do for fun?"
I think "So, whats your penis name?" couild really liven up the whole experience.
His name is Heinrich.
He is the fella's cock.
Now there are a couple areas of debate here, one of which is the fact that I am quite certain I have never come across a penis with a name before, i mean sure, men naming thier cock is a common enough subject to joke about, and most of them do certainly seem to treat it like it is its own separate person. BUt to actually give it a name? The other issue i have is that, really, if your going to name it, there must be a name that would be...i dunno....sexier than that.
Now I will admit that I do see a certain humorous advantage to being able to refer to your cock in just day to day small talk.
"So what did you do today?"
"Ohh, nothing much, just spent some time hanging out with Heinrich. Hes been feeling a little lonely and neglected lately so I thought I would do something nice for him."
Sure, like a funny little inside joke.
But Im still fairly certain this isnt nearly as common a practice as the fella seems to think. Now see, the thing here is ai dont think he has quite caught on to how forward i really can be with people, so he decides to egg me on with comments about how his roomate has a name for his as well and why dont i ask him. THinking he will create a situation where he can potentially tease the both of us. Whereas im thinking, forget the roomate (who buy the way wouldnt answer my question ) Im gonna start asking everyone.
Im thinking it will make a nice new icebreaker.
Those same old questions get boring, "Where do you work?" "What do you do for fun?"
I think "So, whats your penis name?" couild really liven up the whole experience.
It sort of allows you to talk dirty without being cras.
`Lick my vag now` translates to Petal wants some wet attention.
`Suck my cock you dirty bitch` becomes, Cecil wants you to treat him like a lollypop you are really hungry for!`
You get the picture.
To be honest though, its an adolecent thing. Noone has named my little chap in years.
Keep well
'So how are you and your pal Dongzilla?'
'Oh darling; have you met my friend Lord Cockstaninople?