Has anyone seen the Dune movie? I just recently finished the series and was curious if the movie is any fun.
That is all.
hey babies, there was a huge windstorm in my city which resolved in 140,000+ Power outages! My house was out of power for about 10 days. But I'm back in full force and I got a big chunk of lingerie packages in the mail during that time, be ready! Here is a little taste!
Just missing the little hair pixies this evening, three cheers if you even know what I'm talking about
This is what I've done so far this Halloween. Eventually we will get costumes on and join the creepies outside. Hope you're all having fun!
Got the fork leg length I wanted, pulled it up crazy high in the front! Next is rear shocks and a kick stand. It needs a name still, and ideas?
This is pretty much what my life looks like. Hah.
Basically, I've been readying the Dune series lately and the weather is changing and the days are shorter and I'm getting cold.
Friends! I have returned!!!!
Friends! I have returned!!!!
Tomorrow is my birthday, I will officially be very old. Not actually, but I always feel weird/excited about beginning another year.
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