Is it just me or does this year seem to be going incredibly fast! HOW are we halfway through the year already?!!
It's starting to get super cold here in Australia as we head into our winter months, but for many of my followers I know it's warming up!
Let's spice things up further with an (actually on time) monthly Aussie Member Review Love blog for the month of May!
First up on May 3rd @mink in Fcking Yeehaw shot by @atlanticlungs
May 4th @dainty in You Up? shot by @coolicio
May 7th @lolafett in Secret Garden shot by @milkydame
May 12th @scarlettwhite in Don't Call Me Angel shot by @coolicio
May 15th @vanta in Sanctuary shot by @dollyd
May 16th @dva in shot by @milkydame
May 17th @darthox in Glow shot by @dollyd
May 21st @mariajupiter in her SET OF THE DAY Toss To Your Witcher shot by @coolicio
May 24th @dainty in her SET OF THE DAY Candy shot by @coolicio
Ending the month on May 26th is @kandikitty in Sugar Baby shot by @victory
May 29th was my birthday!!
I'm still honestly in disbelief that this year is halfway over!! How's your 2021 going so far?