I'm honestly in disbelief!
My Easter-themed set Thumper shot by @coolicio is going to be on the Front Page as SET OF THE DAY on April 4th at 6pm!
This set holds such a special place in my heart and I cannot believe it's finally going to be on the FP! It was shot back in 2017 and I adore so much about it, especially the memories of shooting that day and all the amazing ladies I got to meet and work with.
Do you have any Easter traditions? What are you excited about doing over this long weekend period?
I will be going live on April 4th at 7 pm PST (Mid-day April 5th for all my Aussie followers) on the Suicidegirls Facebook Page! I plan on getting crafty! I recently stumbled down the rabbit hole (easter pun intended) on youtube and found some super fun ways to upcycle basic glass jars to hive them a new life. Come join me LIVE and help me choose colours while we chat about SG and Set Of The Day!!