I've driven through so many states and seen so much in the last few weeks. From staying in National Parks, to camping my way accross America in various sites it's been amazing AND I still have 2 more weeks of exploring to do!!
Some higlights of the last week and a half definitely has to be Memphis, I mean you can't come all the way out here without stopping in at Graceland! The two boys I'm traveling with didn't want to check it out as one has already been years before and the other wasn't interested. I did the ultimate solo tourist and selfie'd the shit out of my experience haha
One of the places on my bucket list to visit was New Orleans and it totally delivered! From finding the best local BBQ place called 'The Joint' to taking an air boat tour on the canals and bayou to then kayaking my way through the waters. Such a solid and amazing few days!
One other place I visited which was just absolutely beautiful and so picturesque was Oak Valley Plantation! Wow!
I could have gotten lost in a book under these oaks 💕
I'm making my way through Texas for the next few days and they say everything is bigger in Texas! They weren't wrong! Found this truck yesterday that made me feel so tiny!
Has anyone visited these amazing places? Best sights to see? What was your favourite?