I spent my Saturday morning out at Glenworth Valley horse riding 💕
I've been riding since I was a little girl, but as I don't own my own horse anymore this is the closest I can get to having an awesome ride with some absolutely stunning views.
The last time I was out at Glenworth Valley was the day of my 26th birthday back in May and I took the guy I was seeing at the time with me. It was a lovely ride, and the horse I had was perfect, but sadly that relationship ended and I wanted to experience that place again on my own and create memories for myself.
I requested the same horse, but 'Boots' was out doing lessons for young riders. Luckily for me, Boots has a few siblings at Glenworth who are very close in temperament and riding style and this time around I got to ride his sister Britney 💕
If you follow me on Instagram you'll be able to see a few short videos from the GoPro I had on today 💕
I went with my cousin, who is also an experienced rider, and we had the opportunity to go off free-range riding.
We got a little bit lost, after following a small path for a while only to find a giant tree log/branch blocking our way forward. We had to back-track and find our way onto the main track before making it to home base haha.
If I could ride every weekend I would 💕 The country is something I hold so dear and close to my heart and holds a lot of fantastic memories for me 💕
What did you all do today?