@vorpal posted an amazing hashtag on the Hopeful Suicide Girls Instagram account with a 'Vorpals Hot Tip.' #vorpalshottip
Back when Suicide Girls first started there was no Instagram or Tumblr or Social Networking sites. It was all done on the SG website. I absolutely LOVE this little mini assignment to 'Take It Back To The Site' @missy (@rambo I'm tagging because this was such a fun blog homework)
I think a lot of girls will agree with me when I say that there are two very different fan followings when it comes to social networking and the SG website. I like to keep special things for the SG site and will always exclusively post photos, sneak peaks and blogs there. Sites and apps like Instagram only show a small sneak peak into a persons world and its all done via photos. The website allows us to get and share so much more through word.
The point of taking it back to the site and this blog is to showcase where I started and how far I've come since starting on my SG journey.
My first exposure to the whole world of Suicide Girls came about when I was only 15 or 16. My brother had gone to see the Suicide Girls tour in Sydney back in 06! Nearly 10 years ago!! He came home covered in silly confetti and had the biggest smile on his face, obviously an awesome time was had by the whole audience.
I'd seen posts and photos of what the site was about and thought it absolutely amazing that there was such a thing for girls who had an 'alternative' look to be models. Especially for a young 16 year old me who was coming into her own and reaching that little rebel phase myself.
My next massive exposure with the SG world was when a colleague of mine was accepted as a Hopeful after attending an event at Hot Dam in Sydney. After seeing the amazing photos she had taken by the exceptionally talented SG @puffin I immediately contacted her about booking a shoot of my own.
Thus my very first shoot was underway.
Before this shoot I had only ever done a little bit of studio modeling with very a much 50's Pin up style look. Shooting on this rooftop was very casual in style and my first time at stripping off and being nude. It was quite liberating to say the least, with many blushes and failed attempts at covering myself haha.
Blue Monday Can be found: Here
My second shoot was shot my @exkyu with @countessa being the best reflector girl and posing help there is! This set was shot on a nudist beach in Sydney and is a set I absolutely adore!
A fun summery look, shot against a stunning backdrop of the ocean ❤️
I shared recently on a group post a favorite shot of mine and shared the memory of that shoot. I'm sure @exkyu and @countessa will recall halfway through our shoot a boat of eight or so twenty-something year olds who sailed up to the beach part where we were shooting and started cat calling.
And who can forget @exkyu standing up too quickly from under the rocks and cutting his head.
Lovers' Eyes captured the finest sides of me and can be found: Here Seriously there are SO MANY shots in this set that I'm in love with 😍 @exkyu and @countessa are such a dream to work with.
My third set was taken at a shootfest that was held in Sydney in early January, again shooting with @puffin . This was our second time working together and this being my 3rd set I wanted it to have a completely different look to my others and take myself back to a modeling area I'm most confident in and that is with a more Pin Up styled look.
To say this is one of my favorite sets to date is an understatement. L'amour has recently only just gone live on the site and has been receiving fantastic reviews and so much love. It can be found Here
So a massive thank you everyone!! ❤️
I have one more set in the que that goes up in a little under 3 months shot by @kyla
I flew all the way to Queensland for my second shootfest experience and actually had the time to sit and watch other girls shoot @peggysue being just one stunning lady I got to watch work her magic. I also had the chance to talk and make friends with some fresh new faces @delilahjayne and @morgull being just two lovely ladies I got to chatting with. 💕
This will be my very first bedroom style shoot and working with @kyla was such a breeze. The lighting and posing worked really well and this set was shot relatively quickly.
This set is called Nancy Drew and here's another sneak peak.
I shot two sets while up in Queensland and finally got to work with the amazing team that is @frankndame This set is definitely another one that I think is going to do amazing things on the site. I have yet to think of a title for it but will go up sometime next year!
Here's a super sneak peak.
To see how far I've come just through these photos in the last year is an experience in itself.
My confidence and comfortability during a shoot and in my own skin has grown so much and I have all the people I've worked with and everyone who has commented and shared their love on my sets and the SG community to thank for that.
I definitely wouldn't be where I am today without everyone's support. It is very tough competition for a hopeful to turn into an SG and have their set selected as 'Set Of The Day', but I'm beyond ecstatic for when that time comes and where my journey is going to take me.
Stay tuned because this curvy little lady has a long way to go and a lot more to give! ❤️
@coolicio well this makes things more interesting hehe
hehe let me know when you think of something cool we can shoot ;) @_kettle xo