Today was a good day.
I signed into my SG account and was overwhelmed with how many new likes and comments were in my notifications. I searched the SG site for at least 10 minuets trying for the life of me to figure out what i'd done to warrant so many new followers! It wasn't until my brother sent me a msg saying that I had been featured on the official Suicide Girls facebook page that it all clicked together!
So welcome to all my new followers and a big THANK YOU for all the love and comments you've been sending in <3
The photo they used is from my second set Lovers' Eyes shot by the amazingly talented duo @exkyu and @countessa so go and give it some love and let me know what you all think!
The blog they also mention about me being an uber movie nerd can be found HERE
I absolutely love movies and tv shows and can quote things to you all day.... It's May 4th in Aus tomorrow and you all know what that means..... That's right, stay tuned for some Star Wars posts/pictures tomorrow guys!!
As a big thank you and the second part of why today was so awesome I'd like to share some sneaky peak photos of a shoot I had for 2 magazines here in Australia earlier in the year.
The issue's I'll be featured in come out towards the end of May so stay tuned for Picture and People magazines! There's also a little interview in both!
The magazines have featured a few Aussie hopefuls and SG's over the months so they're definitely worth keeping your eye on!
Stay tuned for more my lovelies! There's lots to look forward to in May.... Including the next Shootfest in Australia. Keep an eye out on my instagram _Kettle for some behind the scenes photos of what's going on during that week :)