So I've been absent from the site for a few weeks now. I've been in a bit of a daze and blurred state ever since my pop passed. There is no quick fix or any solution that can make the ache in my heart any less than what it is. My pop was a one of a kind man, at his funeral there was only standing room left and the whole church was full. He touched so many peoples hearts and i am proud to have called him not only my friend but family as well.
I've been spending a lot of time with my nan since it happened- it's so important to appreciate every little moment you have with the people in your life. It's safe to say my nan and I have played way too many games of cards to keep our minds busy.
I'm staying in touch with my chilled love of nature side and hanging out on my uncles 'Ranch' like property which is absolutely stunning! I've posted a few photos throughout my feed and on my instagram if anyone wants to check out what I've been up to.
On a lighter note i hope everyone had an amazing new years! 2015 will be another year for change and chasing dreams. I plan on being one little social butterfly this year, train harder, travel more, and meet some amazing new people AND or course who can forget that my 2nd set drops in OH less than 2 weeks!!
Here's a preview to tie you over until it arrives!!
Tell me your new years resolutions! I'd love to hear what everyone has in store for there 2015!!
I'm slightly sunburnt and it's time to sit back with a movie and a cuppa and relax after another long day.