I feel like I've been running around non stop these last few weeks with the lead up to Christmas which is why I haven't been extremely present on the site lately! Let me tell you working in retail this time of year is just utter mayhem! There is also only so many times one can listen to the same Christmas songs over and over again. I fear retail has tainted my Christmas spirit.
During the last 2 week's I've not only had work full time but have also taken photo's for two Year 12 Formals- I dabble with photography outside of work when I can :)
Here are some shots from the first formal I did- it was a perfectly overcast day- so sun glare at all :)
(Also "Just A Glimpse" is my photography page in FB if anyone wants to follow)
On top of all of that I have been looking after my little sister who has been diagnosed with Glandular Fever :( Poor thing. She's not allowed to do anything for a solid month in fear of developing chronic fatigue- which once you get its with you for a long long time.
Last night was the first night I managed to get her out of the house in two weeks! We'd bought tickets to see Katy Perry at the beginning of the year and even when recovering from glandular fever there was no way she was missing out!
Katy didn't disappoint! Her show was absolutely spectacular and was one giant party full of lights and crazy fun energy!
On another note the que has been shortened which means that in a little under 2 months my second set will go live! So excited and happy with how this set came out! :) @exkyu and @countessa did a fantastic job shooting and directing :)
Time for a cuppa and to relax!