Friday Jul 11, 2008 Jul 11, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm addicted to this song VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS autumnfade: Yeah its kind of strange, as we get older we remember more and more perhaps refinement is the word I'm looking for. Jul 13, 2008 cutejazzgirl: The "drives a jeep and wears white hats" reference was a throw back to emo game 1. You had to fight the Abercrombie kids by throwing EP's at them. Emogame if you ever get bored and enjoy 16 bit (think super nintendo) games as much as I do. All kinds of wise cracks embedded in there too. Ali Jul 13, 2008
as we get older we remember more and more
perhaps refinement is the word I'm looking for.
Emogame if you ever get bored and enjoy 16 bit (think super nintendo) games as much as I do. All kinds of wise cracks embedded in there too.