i cant freakin wait. in less than 30 days i am forever out of this apartment and out from under the clutches (and, im almost positive, constant surveilance) of my evil landlord. Despite his best efforts to convince me that he is by far the best landlord in the world, naturally.
we're bout to put down the deposit on this new place, which is really...
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we're bout to put down the deposit on this new place, which is really...
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Dune is a really good book.
so is American Gods.
You ever see that Breakfast of Champions movie? It's kind of neat to see, but it's by no means as good as the book.
You ever see that Breakfast of Champions movie? It's kind of neat to see, but it's by no means as good as the book.
Yep, I forced it upon my video-game-playing-books-are-for-pussies roomate. He's been quite impressed.
the weekend of camping was only interrupted by rain a few times, which were simply excuses to crawl into the tent and take a nap anyway. the neighbors at the next campsite were a super nice couple our age, who had a pretty cool kid and who immediatley introduced themselves and offered up all the food, drink, and smoke that they had. meeting people who...
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It's not that work/life is too busy... Just that being unemployed means that there's a lot of unknowns right now. Like.... will I even be living in Detroit???
Yeah... I'm a car geek/nut... Go here to see photos/text of the buildup of the race car. Click on the thumbnails....
Yeah... I'm a car geek/nut... Go here to see photos/text of the buildup of the race car. Click on the thumbnails....

tell them you're only a green belt
i tried to post some drawings but they turned out too tiny. maybe next time, kids. i gotta be off right now.
Let me know when you need to be turned on again...
LOL!! Sorry... couldn't resist...
LOL!! Sorry... couldn't resist...

The pool saved my life... I swear if I had to deal with another minute of drenching heat I was gonna fall over dead...

i dont have any good reason for today being as shitty as it was. maybe it was just that i was tired, maybe it was the heat, im not sure. perhaps it was this job search that isnt going anywhere. i dont know... but anyway. tomorrow is another day, as they say.
Bicycles... Not motorcycles silly girl...
I'll be riding 150 miles this summer.

I'll be riding 150 miles this summer.

Ya gotta work up to it... 150 miles doesn't come at the snap of your fingers.
My friend Derek and I just finished doing 24 miles of cruising around town. We decided not to ride till the sun was headed down and the temps cooled off a wee bit...
Do any cool art lately?

My friend Derek and I just finished doing 24 miles of cruising around town. We decided not to ride till the sun was headed down and the temps cooled off a wee bit...

Do any cool art lately?
woooooooo! its been a long time, sorry folks, i know you're just dying to hear about my super-exciting life.
its sad to say, but as punk rock as i once was i'm pretty much a hippie these days. i know, i know. i was camping this weekend and i had more fun than any self respecting punk rocker would ever admit to having. i for...
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its sad to say, but as punk rock as i once was i'm pretty much a hippie these days. i know, i know. i was camping this weekend and i had more fun than any self respecting punk rocker would ever admit to having. i for...
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Hey I can say as a punk rocker that I enjoy camping to, but I need to have beer, fire, and of course some good old drugs! Only pot thought... Okay maybe some coke but only once in a while.

Don't worry about camping.. What kinda punk rides long distances on a bicycle and goes to church? *Raises hand*
As they used to say: Punk is an attitude.
Oh..and welcome back from the dead...
As they used to say: Punk is an attitude.

Oh..and welcome back from the dead...
alas, my phat gangsta-style buick century finally bites the dust. she sits now alone on the side of '94, deader than dead can be. all who knew her will no doubt mourn the passing of dear ginger, although, let's face it, it was well past her time. I suppose its a good thing i can walk everywhere in this city.

and alas the buick has one last ressurection in it i think. we won't know till it is dragged away from the lot, kicking and screaming, and forced once more into this cruel world. I say let sleeping dogs lay, but I dont pay da bills ....

Come back please.
thanks for all your nice comments on the last post, the cops finally caught the guy and my roomate's friend is back in D-town with her family so that's good.
speaking of the good old D, it seems as though everyone's favorite mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick (ahahaha that name still kills me..) wants to tax fast food to get rid of all the city's crazy debt....
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speaking of the good old D, it seems as though everyone's favorite mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick (ahahaha that name still kills me..) wants to tax fast food to get rid of all the city's crazy debt....
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Kwami...Kwame... He's still an ass.
Go read my latest update if you need amusement.
Go read my latest update if you need amusement.

Truckers suck... They're even more obnoxious elsewhere... fuckers!!!
You a nerd? Damn cute nerd...
Where's your glasses though?
Here's my latest illo:
Now get out there and draw!!!!!!!!

You a nerd? Damn cute nerd...

Here's my latest illo:

Now get out there and draw!!!!!!!!
you know, i was always the type who believed in the basic good in people. If a dude on the street asks for change, i dont just assume he's a bad person or whatever, i just give it to him. i share what i have with whoever needs it. that sort of thing. yesterday my roomates friend got followed home by a guy who held...
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Something during sermon in church today reminded me of you and this update. (Yeah... I go to church... Unitarian.) The sermon was about faith, and towards the end the minister read a quote from the Diary of Anne Frank. Basically it was about her belief in the basic goodness of man, even if what you see around you is pretty grim. And lets face it...Anne was in a pretty grim situation wasn't she? If someone about to get captured and killed by Nazi soldiers can keep a positive attitude about humanity... I think there's hope that the rest of us can too. Have faith...
thats fuck'd up. i dont understand what goes through peoples heads now a days. last year when i was living in ann arbor, i was on my way home - 2:00 am ish - this guy stopped me and asked me how to get to 23. i told him and i was on my way. one block later he was running down the street twards me. he stopped me and asked me if i wanted to pee in his mouth, i was dumbfounded and i said no. then he was like begging me and offering me money. i turned down his offer and was on my way.
that just goes to show that, who really knows a persons true intentions. i sure dont.
that just goes to show that, who really knows a persons true intentions. i sure dont.
i applied for more jobs today, not that any of them will call but i have still been sucking down water like a fish in anticipation of a drug test... better safe than sorry, right? i was doing so good but yesterday was four-twenty day and well...i guess i could get some of those detox things at the head shop... better i should just apply...
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i dont want to work anywhere...period. but i hafta.
fuck work . I hate work. I wanna win the lotto. fuck.
Hope that move of yours goes all smoothly and such.
Have a chicken: