Merry Christmas! Since I just bought a new Sharp AQUOS 40" LED 1080p 120Hz about a month ago, I received a quite a few Blu-ray discs. My collection is off to good start. What did you get from Santa?
i got an 87% on my advanced anatomy/physiology final tonight! so proud of myself
i'm also proud of the 3 A's i got this semester
even though it's monday night, i need to go out and do some celebrating!!
get my draaaank on
so the past 4 nights i've been talking to an old friend via webcam.
long story short: i had the BIGGEST crush on him when i was in 6th grade and he was in 8th. but ya know, back then it wasn't cool to date a 6th grader. haha
we've talked a bit through the years and seen each other once in a while.
the... Read More
Why not keep the troops happy? Low committment for the time being, so you can keep your options open. Really how committed can you get to a webcam relationship?
i start my CNA class next week. i'm pretty excited but on the other hand...its a 6 hour class every day for 4 weeks. PLUS all my other classes. so i'll be in school about 13-ish hours a day. EEEEW!!
i'm so tired today. had to close at work last night (midnight) then open today at 9am. worked until 4 and NOW have to go... Read More
I got a new laptop, a blu-ray player and movies, and some other stuff. what did you get miss?