The Sun has entered Sagittarius, the sign that is in direct opposition with my own. Although Sagittarius is a fire sign and Gemini is an air sign, both are very mutable. The Sagittarius/Gemini axis can be seen in terms such as overview versus interface or improvising versus planning. As a whole, Sagittarius is more about finding new paths rather than negotiating those that already exist. So, while having the Sun in my sister sign doesn't work as a direct conflictive force, it can mean that I am pushed from a number of outside sources towards the same goal I already have in mind but with a different approach.
But what does it mean for me with as a Sun and Moon gemini with ascendant Cancer. It means that the past week and in the nrext few I have been and will be a bit, well.... easily angered and confused and prone to misconceptions. And until Dec. 2 or 3 I am likely to be moody and emotional. My most compatible sign right now: CAPARICORN. BLASFEMME where are you???
On a more general note for all the rest of you:
According to the PTB:
"There is a New Moon in adventurous Sagittarius today at 9:01 am CST, completing one emotional cycle and starting the next one. A hard square from erratic Uranus to the New Moon makes this an explosive event.
Retrograde Mars in Taurus is still balky, especially in a cranky quincunx to the Sun-Moon conjunction. Sagittarius' ruler Jupiter opposes Mars, raising the tides of tension if we fall short of expectations and project blame on others. Additionally, impulsive Mars creates a disruptive aspect with intense Pluto, encouraging us to fight for survival. We must be careful, however, for arguments can easily escalate into needless ego conflicts.
Mercury, the messenger planet, starts moving forward on Saturday, which should get communication flowing more easily. It's a great time to catch up with old friends, reconnect with a partner from your past or finally call that number you've been holding onto. Make contact now, whether it's to start something new or clean up a misunderstanding that's been hindering a relationship.
Similarly, the integrating North Node in Aries also trines the New Moon, casting light on fresh paths of independent action that bypass old obstacles in relationships.
However, inventive capacities are high now, with solid Saturn forming a helping trine with the lunation that can channel emerging flashes of insight constructively. This lunation in the sign of foreign travel and global ideas is likely to set the stage for a new cycle of world events, especially since stabilizing Saturn is being electrified now by freedom-loving Uranus.
The Tarot Card for me today reflects this strong Sagittarius influence.
General Meaning: What has traditionally been known as the Devil card expresses the realm of the Taboo, the culturally rejected wildness and undigested shadow side that each of us carries in our subconscious. This shadow is actually at the core of our being, which we cannot get rid of and will never succeed in taming. From its earliest versions, which portrayed a vampire-demon, this card evoked the Church-fueled fear that a person could "lose their soul" to wild and passionate forces.
The image which emerged in the mid-1700's gives us a more sophisticated rendition -- that of the "scapegoated Goddess," whose esoteric name is Baphomet. Volcanic reserves of passion and primal desire empower her efforts to overcome the pressure of stereotyped roles and experience true freedom of soul. Tavaglione's highly evolved image (Stella deck) portrays the magical formula for harnessing and transmuting primal and obsessive emotions into a transformative energies. As a part of the Gnostic message of Tarot, this fearsome passion and power must be reintegrated into the personality, to fuel the soul's passage from mortal to immortal.
Have a good Jupiter Day!!!!!
But what does it mean for me with as a Sun and Moon gemini with ascendant Cancer. It means that the past week and in the nrext few I have been and will be a bit, well.... easily angered and confused and prone to misconceptions. And until Dec. 2 or 3 I am likely to be moody and emotional. My most compatible sign right now: CAPARICORN. BLASFEMME where are you???
On a more general note for all the rest of you:
According to the PTB:
"There is a New Moon in adventurous Sagittarius today at 9:01 am CST, completing one emotional cycle and starting the next one. A hard square from erratic Uranus to the New Moon makes this an explosive event.
Retrograde Mars in Taurus is still balky, especially in a cranky quincunx to the Sun-Moon conjunction. Sagittarius' ruler Jupiter opposes Mars, raising the tides of tension if we fall short of expectations and project blame on others. Additionally, impulsive Mars creates a disruptive aspect with intense Pluto, encouraging us to fight for survival. We must be careful, however, for arguments can easily escalate into needless ego conflicts.
Mercury, the messenger planet, starts moving forward on Saturday, which should get communication flowing more easily. It's a great time to catch up with old friends, reconnect with a partner from your past or finally call that number you've been holding onto. Make contact now, whether it's to start something new or clean up a misunderstanding that's been hindering a relationship.
Similarly, the integrating North Node in Aries also trines the New Moon, casting light on fresh paths of independent action that bypass old obstacles in relationships.
However, inventive capacities are high now, with solid Saturn forming a helping trine with the lunation that can channel emerging flashes of insight constructively. This lunation in the sign of foreign travel and global ideas is likely to set the stage for a new cycle of world events, especially since stabilizing Saturn is being electrified now by freedom-loving Uranus.
The Tarot Card for me today reflects this strong Sagittarius influence.

General Meaning: What has traditionally been known as the Devil card expresses the realm of the Taboo, the culturally rejected wildness and undigested shadow side that each of us carries in our subconscious. This shadow is actually at the core of our being, which we cannot get rid of and will never succeed in taming. From its earliest versions, which portrayed a vampire-demon, this card evoked the Church-fueled fear that a person could "lose their soul" to wild and passionate forces.
The image which emerged in the mid-1700's gives us a more sophisticated rendition -- that of the "scapegoated Goddess," whose esoteric name is Baphomet. Volcanic reserves of passion and primal desire empower her efforts to overcome the pressure of stereotyped roles and experience true freedom of soul. Tavaglione's highly evolved image (Stella deck) portrays the magical formula for harnessing and transmuting primal and obsessive emotions into a transformative energies. As a part of the Gnostic message of Tarot, this fearsome passion and power must be reintegrated into the personality, to fuel the soul's passage from mortal to immortal.
Have a good Jupiter Day!!!!!

Sagittarious means adventure? Man I do not need anymore of that.I guess my art show should filled with surprises...