Time for an update? I don't know, I usually don't really like to blog, but I'm relaxing a bit before I'm back to study.
I'm sorry I don't have pics of the things I'm going to talk about.
First, and less important thing (because I know that when you write something expecially on the net you should start with the most interesting topic to catch attention, but oh well nobody reads me anyway) my turtle is becoming a funny pet. It has a new habitat with a plant, a real isle and some rocks, so it started to act like a child: it climbs onto the isle and it jumps in the water. Yesterday it continued for hours, it's funny to hear its *stock* when it hits the ground and it runs away, terrified. Ahahaha funny, stupid pet.
Going on my monologue, I want to let you know I'm studying hard as I've never did, and I'm probably going on the Erasmus exchange program next year. I hope they will accept my application at the Middlesex University, because it seems worthy and funny. My alternative is in Falmouth, at Land's End. This doesn't seem that kind of place in which you have fun, don't you think, my imaginary Reader?
On the last hand, I'm proud to tell you I'm still practing with tattoos. I don't have clients, so I'm practicing on pig's skin
See? I'm worse at photographing than at tattooing. The blue on the left is the stencil I couldn't remove neither with a long wash with soap o.o so I leaved it there.
I'm also wondering why my SG Account isn't disactivating, since it was one year long and it's almost one and a half year I'm here.
So, imaginary Reader, thank you for your attention. See you in some months, as everytime.
I'm sorry I don't have pics of the things I'm going to talk about.
First, and less important thing (because I know that when you write something expecially on the net you should start with the most interesting topic to catch attention, but oh well nobody reads me anyway) my turtle is becoming a funny pet. It has a new habitat with a plant, a real isle and some rocks, so it started to act like a child: it climbs onto the isle and it jumps in the water. Yesterday it continued for hours, it's funny to hear its *stock* when it hits the ground and it runs away, terrified. Ahahaha funny, stupid pet.
Going on my monologue, I want to let you know I'm studying hard as I've never did, and I'm probably going on the Erasmus exchange program next year. I hope they will accept my application at the Middlesex University, because it seems worthy and funny. My alternative is in Falmouth, at Land's End. This doesn't seem that kind of place in which you have fun, don't you think, my imaginary Reader?
On the last hand, I'm proud to tell you I'm still practing with tattoos. I don't have clients, so I'm practicing on pig's skin

See? I'm worse at photographing than at tattooing. The blue on the left is the stencil I couldn't remove neither with a long wash with soap o.o so I leaved it there.
I'm also wondering why my SG Account isn't disactivating, since it was one year long and it's almost one and a half year I'm here.
So, imaginary Reader, thank you for your attention. See you in some months, as everytime.
Very nicely done on the skin.
sembran delle belle linee! continua cos!