DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH *_________* I have a ticket for THE concert
On th 17th of june I'll be in Milan to the first italian Dir en Grey concert *___* bwahahahahahahah I listened to them when I was 16 <.< they're sort of my teenage iconic band.
[Living, living]
So, I tattooed myself again quite a week ago. It's hitching _ I hate when it does, but I must have patience. It'll pass, it'll pass @.@ anyway, it's not a finished piece because I'm planning to add some colours, so I don't have a picture of it because I'd like to show it when it'll be finished.
I just discovered my mom has a very very bad opinion of me. Yeah.

On th 17th of june I'll be in Milan to the first italian Dir en Grey concert *___* bwahahahahahahah I listened to them when I was 16 <.< they're sort of my teenage iconic band.
[Living, living]
So, I tattooed myself again quite a week ago. It's hitching _ I hate when it does, but I must have patience. It'll pass, it'll pass @.@ anyway, it's not a finished piece because I'm planning to add some colours, so I don't have a picture of it because I'd like to show it when it'll be finished.
I just discovered my mom has a very very bad opinion of me. Yeah.
It's sad you just say that now you're going. Anyway.
First, my blogs are often seeable by anyone. Second, I'm still on my personal blogs, either http://ipomee.canalblog.com or on my flickr http://flickr.Com/dwam.
Thirs, I also have a mail