What a shaking period @.@
So, my visit to Rome is over. It was my third time, and I'm still sure it's not that beautiful city many people told me it was. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with my bestfriend who kept me down there ^^ even if my stomach can't bear all that food.
I'm quite busy with the preparation of the artworks for the school exams of february. I know it's early, but I lose a lot of time and now that is Christmas holiday I would work hard.
One of these exams will focus on an illustrated book for children, and I have no ideas on which topic could I discuss, and on which kind of illustration should I draw. Any suggestion?
Tomorrow is Christmas and I have to survive my grandparents' lunch. I think I'll be working on school works instead of listening my brother saying silliness and the other ones talking about the various ill they suffer.
Anyway, on 26th december my parents will leave for their holiday, so I could use the house as I prefer until 6th january. Yay!
My boyfriend and my ex boyfriend confuse me.

So, my visit to Rome is over. It was my third time, and I'm still sure it's not that beautiful city many people told me it was. Anyway, I had a lot of fun with my bestfriend who kept me down there ^^ even if my stomach can't bear all that food.
I'm quite busy with the preparation of the artworks for the school exams of february. I know it's early, but I lose a lot of time and now that is Christmas holiday I would work hard.
One of these exams will focus on an illustrated book for children, and I have no ideas on which topic could I discuss, and on which kind of illustration should I draw. Any suggestion?
Tomorrow is Christmas and I have to survive my grandparents' lunch. I think I'll be working on school works instead of listening my brother saying silliness and the other ones talking about the various ill they suffer.
Anyway, on 26th december my parents will leave for their holiday, so I could use the house as I prefer until 6th january. Yay!
My boyfriend and my ex boyfriend confuse me.