Time for an update? I don't know, I usually don't really like to blog, but I'm relaxing a bit before I'm back to study.
I'm sorry I don't have pics of the things I'm going to talk about.
First, and less important thing (because I know that when you write something expecially on the net you should start with the most interesting topic to catch...
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I'm sorry I don't have pics of the things I'm going to talk about.
First, and less important thing (because I know that when you write something expecially on the net you should start with the most interesting topic to catch...
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Very nicely done on the skin.
sembran delle belle linee! continua cos!
thanks ! 

well, you won't see me in heels in Zivity neither !
thank you 

just because the shape of the twig is super cool
I wasn't talking about period. Just about the whole horrible contraceptions issues, body weakness, fears and problems we have to face in general for just being a woman.
That is a really cool cat!!!
Soo september is here, full of school exam and much more.
Yesterday I did the first exam, now I have one more today and then again next week and the next week.
I'm also trying the get the driving license, but I'm sure I hate cars. I must phone my friends to say to them to not going out they houses when I try...
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Soo september is here, full of school exam and much more.
Yesterday I did the first exam, now I have one more today and then again next week and the next week.
I'm also trying the get the driving license, but I'm sure I hate cars. I must phone my friends to say to them to not going out they houses when I try...
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innamoratissima un parolone. mi prendeva bene...lo conoscevo da mesi ed era tutto un flertare. ci siam conosciuti s smontata la maionese. giorno dopo giorno. pazienza
Io non so come Roma la amo <3<3<3. ma tanto o finisce che sto qua o vado in culo a dio
Io non so come Roma la amo <3<3<3. ma tanto o finisce che sto qua o vado in culo a dio
Summer is REALLY almost over *___* I'm too happy it's less warm here. I can sleep with...with....beh coperte e non solo lenzuola v_v and I don't how you call them in english.
School exams are very near, and I'm enjoying my last days of relax. And...I'm too lazy to write more. Muahahahahahahh.
School exams are very near, and I'm enjoying my last days of relax. And...I'm too lazy to write more. Muahahahahahahh.
ahah perch l'ultimo lo avevo messo provvisoriamente e nel frattempo riflettevo sul nick definitivo da mettere....alcuni che avevo scelto erano gi stati presi. ora sono abbastanza certa di tenere questo
lenzuola = sheets
coperte = douvets ....se non mi sono arrugginita con l'inglese

lenzuola = sheets
coperte = douvets ....se non mi sono arrugginita con l'inglese
hehehe..ti dico sono che italiano..non ramazzotti/ ferro/antonacci etc etc...Non fa il cantante ma nella musica!
It's too warm for me to survive, I think. And studying in this situation is absurde.
I'm so optimistic I'm already thinking summer is almost gone. We just have to wait until september, right? _
I'm quite over studying, my school works (including Pippi Longstockings illustrations and some more) are quite finished, and I've studied all the books I had to. So I'm relaxing a...
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I'm so optimistic I'm already thinking summer is almost gone. We just have to wait until september, right? _
I'm quite over studying, my school works (including Pippi Longstockings illustrations and some more) are quite finished, and I've studied all the books I had to. So I'm relaxing a...
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eh, lo so... ma senza trucco sembro una bamboccia... e c'ho quasi trent'anni! sigh!
ma infatti mi sta bene sembrare pi giovane... per col trucco sono pi sensuale...
se esco senza, vedo che mi guardano come se gli facessi tenerezza!
se esco senza, vedo che mi guardano come se gli facessi tenerezza!

uh bellino 

this drawing is one continuous line... mesmerizing
I've always enjoyed the patterns in Celtic art. Never read or seen a single Harry Potter book or film though, just can't see the appeal.

Ehi! Su deviantart sono www.enjoyporno.deviantart.com! E tu?
Busy, busy
I'm studying too much in these days. School exam are everywhere, and now I'm full of the history of art. Lovely subjects of study, indeed, but I hate to study from books for hours.
Anyway, now I remember why I hate Neoclassic style, and I'm inspired to paint a lot. If I had the time to do it, obviously, but first I have...
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I'm studying too much in these days. School exam are everywhere, and now I'm full of the history of art. Lovely subjects of study, indeed, but I hate to study from books for hours.
Anyway, now I remember why I hate Neoclassic style, and I'm inspired to paint a lot. If I had the time to do it, obviously, but first I have...
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Yeah, my flat is on the ground floor and I continuously here people passing by muttering and mumbling whatever's coming out of their mouths.
Glad to hear you're enthusiastic about school and studying is going well. Although it can be tiring, and sometimes monotonous, there's nothing nice about doing lots of study, it can be quite satisfying. I miss it sometimes.
When are your exams? Are they happening now? Good luck!
I tried to drive a car once, it was a disaster.
Glad to hear you're enthusiastic about school and studying is going well. Although it can be tiring, and sometimes monotonous, there's nothing nice about doing lots of study, it can be quite satisfying. I miss it sometimes.
When are your exams? Are they happening now? Good luck!
I tried to drive a car once, it was a disaster.