Please do not forget to vote for Maïlinya as set of the day : Here


From a moment now : only my followers can see the pictures I'm sharing.

I just added a picture from a nice moment with a strong model. The shoot was based on barbwire bondage.

See you soon ;)

And a new picture today ;) Nude in urbex ;)
New picture this morning for my followers ;)

Il ne reste que quelques jours ... je vais disparaître du réseau ... si vous voulez en voir plus, passez donc me rendre visite sur https://dassonville.info

À bientôt peut être.

Et oubliez pas d’aller soutenir Mailinya, elle a besoin de vous :  SUICIDEGIRLS.COM/MEMBERS/MAILINYA

Kervador is based in Lille (North of France)

Self-educated photographer, he starts with silver photography decades ago and followed the evolution of the technology with numeric photography.

His work is very eclectic but shows some patterns and prefered or chosen fields.

One of them is chiaroscuro: You'll find a lot of this sort of pictures in his creations.

Don't bother to chat with him, you'll...
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