Hello my beautiful friends. First of all, I want to apologize to all for disappearing for so long, and I hope that the following explanation will help me earn your forgiveness. The last of months of 2014 were a kind'a harsh on me, I realized the paths I had taken were not leading to where I want to be. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret taking them, they made me happy, stronger and I learnt a lot, but I finally arrived to the crossroad where I had to make the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make... then came January, which was fully devoted to finding myself and redefining my paths. Now it is February, and I'm still confused and a bit scared, but mostly excited about my new future and my new paths, so I thought it is time to reconnect with this amazing community that has given me so much joy.
I'll be trying to post regularly again, and I hope you like this pic, it is form my last and rejected set "Home, sweet home"
love you all