In the dark depths of a magic forest a beautiful fairy spent her nights staring at the reflection of the Moon on a still river and singing to Her so She would be happy and continued to light the way of night wanderers. At the other side of the riverbank, hidden in the darkness, sat a black serpent with poisonous yellow eyes full of hate, and it watched that immortal beauty planning a way to destroy her and turn the night into nothing but black despair. One night, it quietly slid through rocks and ancient tree roots, and just quietly, and just fast it bit the fairy's delicate foot making her forever immobile and unable to sing. She fell into the river and got drifted softly out of the magic forest into the ocean and the Moon wept.
Coming from the north-east a big boat explored ends of the World never explored before. A sad rain, with a magical glow had covered the wooden deck and green sails every night for almost a week. The darkest week the crew could remember, with no Moon at all. Suddenly, floating on the dark water and lit by the glowing sad rain, a sailor saw a tiny beautiful creature. They threw a net and saw they had rescued an immobile night fairy, and knowing what that meant, as wise sea people know, the sailor pressed the small fairy against his heart and cried with the Moon as he vowed he'd sing her song for as long as he lived, and he started singing. Then, the sad rain stopped and the Moon shined and smiled and said "As long as you keep your promise, she and I will always live. Me in the sky, she in your heart" and the fairy disappeared from his hand and reappeared on his chest with the smiling moon. The sailor kept his promise and sang to the Moon every night, away from the black serpent. One day, when he was old, he died. but the fairy lives in all the men and women who sing to moon. You'll know who they are when you see her on their skin.