Well, the new layout is interesting! Wasn't sure about it at first, but now I'm thinking I like it. I'm sure once I get used to it, it will change again though
Downloading this WoW patch and I just want to log in already. I should be doing laundry and cleaning house while it DL's, but I'm wasting my time online instead. Glad to see I have my priorities straight. If anyone has seen my motivation, I would much appreciate it if you could tell it I've been wondering where it went and point it back in my direction...Thanks ^.^
You know what really pisses me off, is when life seems to be moving right along and all is well, you get thrown right off track again. Some news on Sunday still has me in a weird state. No matter how much you tell yourself and your brother it will all be fine, you just can't make the worrying stop.
Downloading this WoW patch and I just want to log in already. I should be doing laundry and cleaning house while it DL's, but I'm wasting my time online instead. Glad to see I have my priorities straight. If anyone has seen my motivation, I would much appreciate it if you could tell it I've been wondering where it went and point it back in my direction...Thanks ^.^
You know what really pisses me off, is when life seems to be moving right along and all is well, you get thrown right off track again. Some news on Sunday still has me in a weird state. No matter how much you tell yourself and your brother it will all be fine, you just can't make the worrying stop.
TIme wasted doing something fun isn't really time wasted. I think your motivation is probably on a well earned break. My motivation drags me to work every day and I have no idea why, I wish it would take a break.
You would adore my uncles house then, he has more lights up then an international airport and I think we counted 3 trees although we may have missed some. We haven't got anything up at home as we have had the builders in, it does feel pecularly un-Christmassy.