Hmmm, a shitty day. I proscribe going straight home and straight to bed with a warm drink and some good tunes. Just pretend the day isn't happening.
Sounds like Seattle is as wet as the UK. Is it the horrid, drizzly sort of rain or are you at least getting some decent storms to watch? I hate it when it just rains constanly but never hard enough to constitute a proper downpour.
And yes I also would go mad without the internet, I actually think it's all I go to work for.
Sounds like Seattle is as wet as the UK. Is it the horrid, drizzly sort of rain or are you at least getting some decent storms to watch? I hate it when it just rains constanly but never hard enough to constitute a proper downpour.
And yes I also would go mad without the internet, I actually think it's all I go to work for.