vet trip number two - or holy shit! he's gonna die vet trip.
with my job, i have the luxury or unluxury of working from home. after this weekend and getting up a lot to make sure everything was okay, cleaning up shit spots, and waking up this morning at 5 to stomach stress cramps, i decided to flex the luxury of working from home. that way i can work, watch tv and keep an eye on my buddy - thats the cat, jethro.
he came out once to look around and lay with his head next to the water dish and act like he was going to drink, but nothing happened. then around 10, he went hiding. and kept hiding, and hiding, etc. my gf did some research on jethro's condition and the drug he's on. needless to say it was enough information for me to freak out and rush him to the vet. the drug he's on will elevate his liver enzymes, which were elevated before and were at a constant elevation for a while.
so i got to the vet at 6 pm totally freaked out, frazzled nerves and everything. the doctor that saw him came in and, boom - he's all alert and shit. i tell her the story about him today and they take him back to check his glucose levels, liver enzymes and temperature. when she came back she had a smile on her face. his glucose was at 500+ last thursday and today it was at 300+. he is responding to the drug very very well. however, *sound of other shoe dropping* his liver enzymes were quite elevated so she has him on an anti inflamatory drug for his liver enzymes.
needless to say in my over-reacting to his "symptoms" i was able to find out about his liver enzymes. and now we are working on lowering them as well. she also said that he will be able to be weened off the glucose drug and just on a diet for his diabetes. waahhhoooo! i just have to take him in about once a week or every other week which i'm sure he will totally love.
he still has the runs
and i have to clean his ass a few times a day, but on wednesday, i'm having him shaved. i don't like doing that, but i would rather him just have the runs instead of the runs and shit stuck to his fur.
on a side note - i don't think i would have reacted this way if we hadn't lost his sister 3 years ago to cancer. i waited a bit too long for that one.
to wrap up a long entry, i hope you all are doing well
with my job, i have the luxury or unluxury of working from home. after this weekend and getting up a lot to make sure everything was okay, cleaning up shit spots, and waking up this morning at 5 to stomach stress cramps, i decided to flex the luxury of working from home. that way i can work, watch tv and keep an eye on my buddy - thats the cat, jethro.
he came out once to look around and lay with his head next to the water dish and act like he was going to drink, but nothing happened. then around 10, he went hiding. and kept hiding, and hiding, etc. my gf did some research on jethro's condition and the drug he's on. needless to say it was enough information for me to freak out and rush him to the vet. the drug he's on will elevate his liver enzymes, which were elevated before and were at a constant elevation for a while.
so i got to the vet at 6 pm totally freaked out, frazzled nerves and everything. the doctor that saw him came in and, boom - he's all alert and shit. i tell her the story about him today and they take him back to check his glucose levels, liver enzymes and temperature. when she came back she had a smile on her face. his glucose was at 500+ last thursday and today it was at 300+. he is responding to the drug very very well. however, *sound of other shoe dropping* his liver enzymes were quite elevated so she has him on an anti inflamatory drug for his liver enzymes.
needless to say in my over-reacting to his "symptoms" i was able to find out about his liver enzymes. and now we are working on lowering them as well. she also said that he will be able to be weened off the glucose drug and just on a diet for his diabetes. waahhhoooo! i just have to take him in about once a week or every other week which i'm sure he will totally love.
he still has the runs

on a side note - i don't think i would have reacted this way if we hadn't lost his sister 3 years ago to cancer. i waited a bit too long for that one.

to wrap up a long entry, i hope you all are doing well
