i've been meaning to update for quite some time now, but after being hobbled from work, i find it kind of hard to think of something positive to update with.
so with out further adeu...
um.... well..... i leave this journal entry up to you. you may ask me 3 questions about anything and i will answer to the best of my ability. they can be questions about anything, me, computers, cars or whatnot.
i know it's lame but until i think of something else to update with and get out of this funk you are left with this.
big brother is watching

so with out further adeu...
um.... well..... i leave this journal entry up to you. you may ask me 3 questions about anything and i will answer to the best of my ability. they can be questions about anything, me, computers, cars or whatnot.
i know it's lame but until i think of something else to update with and get out of this funk you are left with this.
big brother is watching

funks suck. hope you get out of yours.
and i'm not gonna ask 3 questions, cause i'm still feeling silly and they were quite randy.