proper update - thank god it's almost friday!
what a busy week it's been, work has been unrelenting. i've sent my resume off to a few places now, maybe some chump will bite and i can move over to their company and leach their money for another mind numbing asstastic job. i'm still looking for my career, i know it's out there somewhere. i have this pull towards forensic science, but with all these computer skillz, i'm not sure where i should end up. more school is in order that's for sure. computer animation here i come! maybe y'all see my name somewhere in the next computer anime movie like robots 2 or the superduper incredibles..
i'm done venting now - i have to use the restroom. next paranormal update should be in the next entry.
what a busy week it's been, work has been unrelenting. i've sent my resume off to a few places now, maybe some chump will bite and i can move over to their company and leach their money for another mind numbing asstastic job. i'm still looking for my career, i know it's out there somewhere. i have this pull towards forensic science, but with all these computer skillz, i'm not sure where i should end up. more school is in order that's for sure. computer animation here i come! maybe y'all see my name somewhere in the next computer anime movie like robots 2 or the superduper incredibles..

i'm done venting now - i have to use the restroom. next paranormal update should be in the next entry.

your job may be mind numbing and ass-tastic, but at least you do not have to deal with the public. today I had a man offer me BLOOD!!! for a library card. I explained to him that things don't really work that way.
seriously.. they'd pay me for my hair?! Sweet!!!