of course, i'm late in updating my journal. things have happened here at work that make it a little more difficult for surfing some sites. fortunately, i have some ways around the logging and firewalls (or so i think for now). anyway, things have been pretty hectic this week and last week. just a little background before i explain some things. i used to live in salt lake city but fell in love with a woman in saint louis. my job allowed me to relocate there and work from home. working from home was a blast, i got all my laundry done whilst i was working. well, someone higher up in the corporate food chain thought it would be best to lay off all of their programming staff. wow, it must take some brains to be that high up in the company to think that you don't need to develop the new software you were currently developing. i was picked up by their consulting company and forced to relocate to wonderful columbia, sc. in the meantime i was looking for other jobs like krazy so i could stay in stl. with no luck, i reluctantly moved here and lived in a hotel for 2 months at the expense of the company. that sucked. finally i received all my stuff from salt lake and put it up in my new apartment. just two weeks ago i finished unpacking everything and it's all set up. here's where the irony kicks in at full steam. i start receiving calls for job offers that are not in columbia. the company that i applied to in stl is now hiring another programmer. and i'm being aggressively pursued by another company in louisville kentucky. both want answers next week. well, i don't have any loyalty to my current employer because i'm doing exactly the same job working for the company that layed everyone off, so i should take the other job. but i know that in 2 years i'll be quiting so i can move to florida to get back into school and pursue my dream of getting people addicted to video games. i got into programming so i could do just that, but i'm well off the mark where i'm at now.
dilemma: should i stay or should i go?
thanks to all of you who gave me birthday wishes, it was wonderful to have that, since it's boring and lonely out here. hope you are all doing well and look forward to the weekend.
dilemma: should i stay or should i go?
thanks to all of you who gave me birthday wishes, it was wonderful to have that, since it's boring and lonely out here. hope you are all doing well and look forward to the weekend.
that is a really good idea... I think I have a free day in december some time... lol! Things are just so crazy right now, I don't have time for myself... but I wish I did.. because you're right... that's exactly what I need!
Yeah, time is what I'm waiting for. My big thing right now is just getting on my feet jobwisse. Once I've got my bills caught up, I'll worry about school.