i don't think i'll ever be able to really do a proper update. it seems that lately i have developed a major case of A.D.D. i can't seem to stick with anything lately for a long time. not sure why.
but in the meantime... i've finally moved back to st. louis. i would call it home, but it really isn't home. it's too darn flat....
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but in the meantime... i've finally moved back to st. louis. i would call it home, but it really isn't home. it's too darn flat....
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aaaand.......i would like a grant to develope it further! it could really be something! hahahahaha!
way too cold for me.. i'm a summer girl
i've decided to uncancel my account. the future is still uncertain, but now i have at least one more year on sg.
i'll have a longer update in the near future, so please bear with me.
i'll have a longer update in the near future, so please bear with me.
happy slightly late bday then
glad to have you back
glad to have you back
holla back!
i have decided to cancel my account. sometime in the future, i may reactivate my account yet again. this is actually the second sg account i have had.
i wanted to thank you all for being on my friends list and making comments. you're comments have helped me out tremendiously and i hope that i too have maybe helped you out in some way.
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i wanted to thank you all for being on my friends list and making comments. you're comments have helped me out tremendiously and i hope that i too have maybe helped you out in some way.
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hay!!!!! i mean 'hey!!!!!!!'
you're back!

you're back!

checking daily! LOL! you so crazy.

i imagine that shortly i will only have one favorite on my list that are still active.
anyone else feel that this ship is sinking? i've read entries about the reason people are leaving, but really, OSG's (Original Suicide Girls) are leaving now.
so sad. i predict that this will be goodbye for darklis, sophie, al and bracket. did you notice how many left just...
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anyone else feel that this ship is sinking? i've read entries about the reason people are leaving, but really, OSG's (Original Suicide Girls) are leaving now.
so sad. i predict that this will be goodbye for darklis, sophie, al and bracket. did you notice how many left just...
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ha! i capitalized the beginning of my sentences! which i never do! i was just compelled to for some odd odd odd reason.....
oh well.

oh well.
hahahaha, actually, i always help friends move.
i should be havin' help! hmmmm............

i haven't updated in a long long time because of one simple fact. i haven't anything new to report. nothing happens out here and i don't know why.
"this town needs an enema."
the only thing new is the amount of movies i have rented and watched and the amount of beer consumed by myself.
some new news is that i will be moving. moving...
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"this town needs an enema."
the only thing new is the amount of movies i have rented and watched and the amount of beer consumed by myself.
some new news is that i will be moving. moving...
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ha, secretly i was thinking of going grey tomorrow. time is up!

i don't know.
i can't make up my mind.

apologies yet again. this is probably the longest time that i haven't updated. july was a busy busy stressful month. i was able to actually go on vacation. the first vacation i've been on in about 7 years. it was nice. very nice. i had time to reflect on where i'm at now and i realized, i'm not supposed to be here. here being in...
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Ooh, vacation! I get one of those next week.
What the hell is wrong with everybody's cats?! Everyone I know with cats is talking about all sorts of crazy kidney and liver diseases! I think it's all somehow linked to their plan to enslave us all.
What the hell is wrong with everybody's cats?! Everyone I know with cats is talking about all sorts of crazy kidney and liver diseases! I think it's all somehow linked to their plan to enslave us all.
thanks. i'll have to check those out.

i would like to apologize for not updating in quite some time now. all my nerves have been frayed lately. as soon as i'm more stable, i'll update more often.
i had a nice 4th weekend in TN. low keyed and all. saw madagascar, that's a funny movie, i suggest you all see it before it leaves the theaters. in order for me to have...
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i had a nice 4th weekend in TN. low keyed and all. saw madagascar, that's a funny movie, i suggest you all see it before it leaves the theaters. in order for me to have...
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that is so sad, i dont know what i would do, i would probably postpone my trip...i dont know what i would do... just make sure the kittie isnt suffering, if my cat was hurting and i couldnt fix it, then i think i would have to put it to sleep even though it would really hurt me to do it....
vet trip number two - or holy shit! he's gonna die vet trip.
with my job, i have the luxury or unluxury of working from home. after this weekend and getting up a lot to make sure everything was okay, cleaning up shit spots, and waking up this morning at 5 to stomach stress cramps, i decided to flex the luxury of working from home....
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with my job, i have the luxury or unluxury of working from home. after this weekend and getting up a lot to make sure everything was okay, cleaning up shit spots, and waking up this morning at 5 to stomach stress cramps, i decided to flex the luxury of working from home....
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I know just what you mean about rushing the cats in to the vet. We almost lost our female cat, she got pregnant and we took her to the vet everything is ok, then she starts acting weird, we get worried and take her in again. they once again say its all good. Of course a few days later she is lethargic with a temp we rush her in and she had lost the babies and was turning septic. They had to do emergency surgery to save her.... So now the cats are always getting rushed them all to the vet. The last time it was our piggy cat... and they said no he isnt sick he is just fat....
hehehehe, its cemetery man.
for me.........


yesterday i took my cat to the vet. he's been drinking a lot more water lately and i know that's one sign of diabetes. he's also been really active at 5 in the morning, trying to get me up so he could have more water and food.
so, after spending about an hour at the vet, she came back and told me, "good call, his...
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so, after spending about an hour at the vet, she came back and told me, "good call, his...
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poor kitty
what were your plans for next weekend?

poor kitty

what were your plans for next weekend?
poor kitty

i've been meaning to update for quite some time now, but after being hobbled from work, i find it kind of hard to think of something positive to update with.
so with out further adeu...
um.... well..... i leave this journal entry up to you. you may ask me 3 questions about anything and i will answer to the best of my ability. they can...
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so with out further adeu...
um.... well..... i leave this journal entry up to you. you may ask me 3 questions about anything and i will answer to the best of my ability. they can...
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hehehehe, yep he's the bass. that was a completely hilarious comment.
funks suck. hope you get out of yours.
and i'm not gonna ask 3 questions, cause i'm still feeling silly and they were quite randy.
well the first one that popped in my head anyways.

funks suck. hope you get out of yours.

and i'm not gonna ask 3 questions, cause i'm still feeling silly and they were quite randy.

what? you didn't get the memo?!? I totally thought I circulated one in your area...