School started and everything is madness. I've been feeling a dull panic for the past few days - like the white noise of the city, a constant background in my life that I don't notice until it stops. Only now I'm manic, with too much to do and too little time. I'm writing my senior theses this year, and instead of doing the one that I was required to do I'm doing two and a half. Add to that editing the literary journal, being the Senate/Student Body President, serving on the various committtees I'm on, starting a new club, and teaching English as a second language on the weekends I don't know what the hell I'm thinking. Oh, and work. How could I forget work? Well - that's my life. It's started, and now I won't be able to stop for breath until winter break.
Thank god for gimmick. He is saving my life this semester. Plus, he is just generally awesome. He makes sure I eat every day, which in and of itself is more than I could manage. And so for this, and for reminding me that I am doing enough, I am leaving him this:
I just wanted an excuse to put that up. I laughed so hard when I saw that. So I suggest you save it, and leave it for someone who has done wonderful things for you.
Anyway, since I won't be here as much, or updating regularly, I thought I'd leave you with some new pictures of me, from the last night I went out - or rather, my thwarted attempt at going out. As you can see I got all dressed up, and we did actually leave the house, only to return later deciding that I'd rather be at home in bed than out among a bunch of shitty drunk college kids. Ok, I know, I'm a college kid too, but I live here year round. I'm from here originally. I'm not one of those people who comes in and trashes the town with daddy's money and then leaves the full time residents to pay higher taxes and rent. Fuckers.
Oh, yeah, pics.
I look like I may have stepped in something, but I really just wanted to show off my tattoo. I'm thinking about how to finish it, and I think it's going to end up going up to my hip - I have a design in mind, but no money to fund it.
I love these shoes. They make my legs look so hot. I'd wear them all the time if they weren't so freaking hard to ride a bike in.
I'm not actually doing a new entry because I haven't responded to anyone and I don't have any time right now. I am so nervous I think I'm going to throw up - in fourty five minutes my first class of EFL starts and I have absolutely no teaching experience of this kind. I have a lesson plan and a syllabus and all that good stuff, but I'm terrified. What if I really fuck up? I mean, it's a volunteer position so I can't get fired, but these people are counting on me, y'know? Anyway, I'm just having a minor panic.....I'm sure it will be fine.
Thank god for gimmick. He is saving my life this semester. Plus, he is just generally awesome. He makes sure I eat every day, which in and of itself is more than I could manage. And so for this, and for reminding me that I am doing enough, I am leaving him this:

I just wanted an excuse to put that up. I laughed so hard when I saw that. So I suggest you save it, and leave it for someone who has done wonderful things for you.
Anyway, since I won't be here as much, or updating regularly, I thought I'd leave you with some new pictures of me, from the last night I went out - or rather, my thwarted attempt at going out. As you can see I got all dressed up, and we did actually leave the house, only to return later deciding that I'd rather be at home in bed than out among a bunch of shitty drunk college kids. Ok, I know, I'm a college kid too, but I live here year round. I'm from here originally. I'm not one of those people who comes in and trashes the town with daddy's money and then leaves the full time residents to pay higher taxes and rent. Fuckers.
Oh, yeah, pics.
I look like I may have stepped in something, but I really just wanted to show off my tattoo. I'm thinking about how to finish it, and I think it's going to end up going up to my hip - I have a design in mind, but no money to fund it.

I love these shoes. They make my legs look so hot. I'd wear them all the time if they weren't so freaking hard to ride a bike in.

I'm not actually doing a new entry because I haven't responded to anyone and I don't have any time right now. I am so nervous I think I'm going to throw up - in fourty five minutes my first class of EFL starts and I have absolutely no teaching experience of this kind. I have a lesson plan and a syllabus and all that good stuff, but I'm terrified. What if I really fuck up? I mean, it's a volunteer position so I can't get fired, but these people are counting on me, y'know? Anyway, I'm just having a minor panic.....I'm sure it will be fine.
Seriously, hope you're doing fabulously well, thinking about you.