There's nothing quite like being home. I love my apartment, and I love having time and space of my own. Finally, after weeks of house-hopping, I have my space back, and I wish I could just stay in for days settling myself back into the space. There have really only been two places in my life that I've considered home - the house I grew up in: a spectacularly converted Victorian carriage house that my mother sold when I was fifteen, and this apartment. I'm not sure if it's the Victorian arcitechture, the hardwood floors, the fireplace or the bay windows, or the ghosts of previous generations that seem to linger with the thoughts of former lives and passions but there is something so familiar and wonderful about this apartment.
I feel like I belong here more than anywhere I've been since my childhood home....and that relationship to space is vital to me. My bedroom especially in my childhood home, is something that I'll likely never be able to re-create, but somehow feel that I've at least approximated in this new old space.
What forms this kind of attachment in you?
Unfortunately I have to leave the house to go to work. And go to class. I got my first exam back, and I got the highest grade in the class. So I think I'm going to do all right....we have our next exam tomorrow but I'm feeling fairly confident. And not only am I really enjoying the class, I think I may have a little crush on the professor, which is awefully exciting because that's never happened to me before and I've always wanted to have a crush on a professor. I wonder if it's the taboo or the power relationship, or something entirely different that makes it exciting.
Have you ever had a crush/fling on/with a professor?

I feel like I belong here more than anywhere I've been since my childhood home....and that relationship to space is vital to me. My bedroom especially in my childhood home, is something that I'll likely never be able to re-create, but somehow feel that I've at least approximated in this new old space.

What forms this kind of attachment in you?
Unfortunately I have to leave the house to go to work. And go to class. I got my first exam back, and I got the highest grade in the class. So I think I'm going to do all right....we have our next exam tomorrow but I'm feeling fairly confident. And not only am I really enjoying the class, I think I may have a little crush on the professor, which is awefully exciting because that's never happened to me before and I've always wanted to have a crush on a professor. I wonder if it's the taboo or the power relationship, or something entirely different that makes it exciting.
Have you ever had a crush/fling on/with a professor?
thanks so much for your sweet comment on my set! and wow! you are hottttt, can't wait for yours to go up girl

Oy! Time to update thar missy.